Q and A


Can I get a work visa for Australia if I’m HIV positive?

I am a psychiatric nurse and have been hiv positive since 2004. I am taking truvada and efivarenz.

In 2007 I was refused entry to New Zealand because they said my medication was expensive and truvada new on the market also being HIV my chances of hospitalization where high.

I want to try Australia, do they have same policy on hiv migrant workers?


Currently, as in almost every country of the world, foreigners applying for most types of Australian visas, excluding temporary visitor visas, require a health check. The certified results are a required part of their immigration documents.

The Australian government Department of Immigration and Citizenship also wrote :-

“If the applicant is found to be HIV positive, a decision on whether the applicant meets the health requirement will be made on the same grounds as any other pre-existing medical condition. The main factor to be taken into account is the cost of the condition to the Australian community of health care and community services. Standard pre and post-test counselling must be provided by the doctor who examined the applicant.”

This link helps demonstrate the criteria for gaining a visa for entry into Australia. While Australia does carry some restrictions, these are often not enforced and gaining a visa tends to end in positive outcomes for those who are HIV positive.

However, nursing is one of the professions where HIV might still be an issue. The restrictions on HIV positive people working as doctors, dentist and nurses were lifted in the UK so long as the person is on ART with an undetectable viral load. In other countries this might not be the case yet.

Perhaps contact an HIV organistation in Australia, such as NAPWA (www.napwa.org) in case they can help.

This answer was updated in January 2022 from a question first posted in November 2011.


  1. Drew

    How can anyone take a years worth of medications? I’m not aware of any insurance that would allow that and not sure it would be medically appropriate

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Andrew,

    I’m really sorry, but we don’t know the workings of the visa departments of embassies, what we do know is that you being positive isn’t a reason why a visa can be turned down. If you’re only going for a year then yes it may be a good idea to take a years worth of meds. You will however need a backup plan just incase something happens. Your travel insurance may be able to cover this.

  3. Andrew

    Hi Lisa,
    Sorry to ask yet another question but I asked the Australian visa guys today and they were utterly hopeless at answering my question, I probably should have asked if the type of visa that I have applied for would provide a health waiver if I didn’t meet the health requirements? or perhaps if I take enough medication to cover my entire trip for a year would that be good enough. Please help :D

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Andrew,

    I’m not sure what visa you’ll need to apply for, this is something that you’ll need to discuss with the embassy.

  5. Andrew

    Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for replying with some good news for me, I applied for the Holiday working visa, is that the right one or is their a special one I needed to apply for?

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thirupathy,

    As it says on the Q&A above:
    “If the applicant is found to be HIV positive, a decision on whether the applicant meets the health requirement will be made on the same grounds as any other pre-existing medical condition. The main factor to be taken into account is the cost of the condition to the Australian community of health care and community services. Standard pre and post-test counselling must be provided by the doctor who examined the applicant.”

    Here is the link to the Australian website for visas, immigration and citizenship:

  7. Thirupathy

    I’m HIV positive. I want to work in Australia.. Is it possible..
    And if it’s possible then how can I apply.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Andrew,

    Its now OK to apply for a visa for Australia when positive. You’re visa won’t be denied on those grounds.

  9. Andrew

    I am looking to move to Australia to be with my girlfriend, I am on antiretroviral medication and I am in very good health and I am undetectable and have been for a number of years, If I was to apply for a working visa with view to apply for a permanent visa eventually, would I be refused a visa on those grounds?

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Gollarh, It sounds like you’re in very good health. That’s great. You can click through on the links above to find out what you need to do.


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