Q and A


Can I get a work visa for Australia if I’m HIV positive?

I am a psychiatric nurse and have been hiv positive since 2004. I am taking truvada and efivarenz.

In 2007 I was refused entry to New Zealand because they said my medication was expensive and truvada new on the market also being HIV my chances of hospitalization where high.

I want to try Australia, do they have same policy on hiv migrant workers?


Currently, as in almost every country of the world, foreigners applying for most types of Australian visas, excluding temporary visitor visas, require a health check. The certified results are a required part of their immigration documents.

The Australian government Department of Immigration and Citizenship also wrote :-

“If the applicant is found to be HIV positive, a decision on whether the applicant meets the health requirement will be made on the same grounds as any other pre-existing medical condition. The main factor to be taken into account is the cost of the condition to the Australian community of health care and community services. Standard pre and post-test counselling must be provided by the doctor who examined the applicant.”

This link helps demonstrate the criteria for gaining a visa for entry into Australia. While Australia does carry some restrictions, these are often not enforced and gaining a visa tends to end in positive outcomes for those who are HIV positive.

However, nursing is one of the professions where HIV might still be an issue. The restrictions on HIV positive people working as doctors, dentist and nurses were lifted in the UK so long as the person is on ART with an undetectable viral load. In other countries this might not be the case yet.

Perhaps contact an HIV organistation in Australia, such as NAPWA (www.napwa.org) in case they can help.

This answer was updated in January 2022 from a question first posted in November 2011.


  1. Ashu

    i’am hiv positive, and i want to apply for hong kong, is there any kind of medical test happen…..before of after enter if it is then what happen if they found m infected.
    please help me.
    thank you.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ashu,

    Other than what’s in the above link, please see the following: http://www.hivtravel.org/Default.aspx?PageId=143&CountryId=23

  3. AShu

    I’m HIV positive, can i apply for working visa in Australia..please help me if there is any possibility..?

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nelisiwe,

    You can apply to work in the UK if you are HIV positive. Please see HIV travel for entry and residence regulations for other European countries at this link.

  5. Nelisiwe

    I am HIV positive lady, can I apply for a social work job in Europe

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi DJ,

    Do you have this written down in official form? If you do could you please share it with us at the following email: questions@i-base.org.uk

  7. Dj

    Australia denied my visa application just recently because of my status and tag as a public THREAT to the Australian community and their citizens. So don’t even bother to apply one in Australia, by the way I’m also a nurse.

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Khan,

    We are based in the UK and we are a HIV treatment information service.

    But you could try searching on this link to the Australian High Commission in New Delhi.

  9. Khan

    Heloo iam an indian and iam an hiv positive. And iam un skilled employee can i get an work visa for australia for any job in that country

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Charlotte,

    Are you wanting to apply for a visa for Australia? If you are please see the above post.


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