Q and A


Shall I start medications, as I have serious skin problems?

Since I was diagnosed, about 15 months ago, I have had persistent skin problems on my face. First I was treated for sebhorraeic dermatitis then subsequently, perioral dermatitis. Recently I have had an outbreak of spots on my forehead, all at once. This is starting to really get me down and prevents me from leading my normal life more tha the diagnosis itself. My skin is dry and patchy with a redish rash in parts. The problems don’t seem to go away completely. I have not started meds yet. Would this help to keep my skin problems under control?


In some cases, HIV-infection itself can lead to the problems that you mention in your question. You don’t mention your current CD4 count, which gives the best indications of how much HIV has affected your immune system.
Ask to see a referral to a dematologist (skin specialist) who can check the underlying cause, as that will give you the opportunity to treat the condition without starting ARV treatment if you do not need it yet.

At the same time, if the symptoms are a result of the HIV-infection and the condition deteriorates your quality of life immensely, then considering starting treatment is something that you may decide to do.


  1. Svilen Konov

    The recommendations in the UK are to start between 350 and 200, but closer to 350. The guidelines that are used here are the BHIVA guidelines and you can see them at the following link: http://www.bhiva.org/files/file1030835.pdf
    and also some further information from this site: http://www.i-base.info/guides/starting/start.html

  2. piwai moyondizvo



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