
What do reactive negative/non-reactive results mean?

My ex had a rapid test and the results on the paper was reactive negative/non-reactive. He told me that the doctor said the result was positive. I googled and on your feedbacks say that it is negative – I am confused and scared now. Can you please clarify this for me?


  • A non-reactive result means HIV negative.
  • A reactive result means you might be HIV positive.  A second test is needed to confirm the results
  • An indeterminate results mean the test results was unclear and needs another test.

There is no such thing as a reactive negative result. This might be a communication error from the test centre. Please contact the testing clinic for clarification.

Please see Q8 at this link:

The FAQ page on testing also has more information:

Note: This answer was updated in January 2018 from a question first posted online in November 2011.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Paul,

    As the above post explains, if a a result is reactive, then this indicates that a person is positive. This will though need to be conformed by a doctor.

    If you are positive, please get back in touch with us as we’ll be able to give you some useful info.

  2. paul

    got tested an my result is;reactive 1/2 to HIV and non reactive to ora qnie. please what do i conclude??????

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mhamba,

    Please see Q’s 1 and 8 here:


    Hi, i did HIV test at lancet laboratories last week .my results come back says HIV-1/2(4th Gen) NON REACTIVE please can you clarify if i’m negative or positive

  5. Lisa Thorley
  6. SJK

    I had a sex with an transgender almost 4 years ago .I didn’t loose weight at all in the first 2 years but as soon as I started working I started to loose some weight.This may be due to my inbalance in my diet. I did a rapid immunochromatographic HIV I & HIV II ANTIBODY test after 4 years which was yesterday and the result came out Non – Reactive. Should i do Elisa?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thembi,

    Please see Q’s 1 and 8 here:

  8. Thembi

    Last weekend me and my boy friend we did buy that repeat test for now his result where shown like the other line was dark red the other line was lighter am confused.But mine where negative

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ann,

    Please see Q’s 8 and 1 here:

  10. Ann

    Hi good afternoon, I had a HIV test and I get back my results
    And it came back Non- Reactive please explain what that mean
    My doctor did not explain it to me.