Q and A


I just started my treatment – what are the side effects of the drugs?

The medication that was prescibed to me are Aspen Lamzid, Aspen Efavirenz and betavit. The previous test were prick test.

I did not have any suport group and i didnt tell anyone yet, becauses it was just last month when I started the treatment. My last CD4 count was 323 but I’m waiting for another test to be done.

But to be honest with you, this medicine are breaking me into pieces, I cannot sleep not becauses of stress or anything, but the medication kept me awake and even if i try to sleep, i just can’t. Am I having side effect? Sometimes I have breathing difficulties, and my stomach feels hard whenever I touch it. I am in a very difficult situation and what keeping me going is the fact that I know that I was not at risk.

I took another elisa test and the doctor told me that am positive. He told me to start treatment immediately. He says that the drugs will keep me alive for 15 years. I ask him about counselling but he didnt sent me to one. I am currently waiting for the ELISA result, but since I started my treatment, my life has change completely with terrible side effect, weird dreams. I am strong and hopefuly i will get a right answer from the test.


I can understand that you are feeling unwell due to the side effects of the drugs that you are taking.  When someone just started their treatment, they will notice the side effects.  It can take a while to settle down and it will become easier over the next few weeks and months.

If your side effects are bad and you cannot tolerate it, you can always change your medication.  Do inform your doctor regarding your bad side effects.

Lamzid is also known are Combivir, here in the UK.  It contains both AZT and 3TC in one pill.

Please take a look on side effects web page also Efavirenz and Combivir (Lamzid) :-

Your doctor told you to take the medication because your CD4 is below 350.  His advise is very good.  Here in the UK, if someone CD4 drops below 350, then the UK Guidelines recommends starting treatment.

Please also take a look at this web page for more information on combination therapy, please take your time to read them and if you don’t understand, please do write back :-

I cannot make any further comments regarding your health until you receive your test results alongside with your CD4 count and viral load.  Please do let me know when you receive them.

Having HIV is never easy but it is important for you to know that with today’s drugs, HIV is a treatable and manageable infection.  HIV treatment can give you a near normal life expectancy and a good quality of life.  If you take your medication correctly and consistently you should not experience HIV-related illnesses in the future.  There are many people who have HIV and live for more than 15 years.  A study in Denmark (2005) has estimated that the survival is more than 35 years for a young person diagnosed with HIV infection and another study in Canada (2003) has shown that in the US, life expectancy at age 20 years was 58.3 years.

Do try and find a local support group in your area, because they can help you to come to terms with your new status and also give you extra support which you need.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ntomboxolo,
    If your viral load is undetectable and your CD4 count is strong, then Alluvia looks like it’s working well. But these symptoms should be checked by your doctor to find out what’s causing them. If they are side effects of Alluvia you can talk to your doctor bout changing treatment.

  2. Ntomboxolo

    Hi I started using alluvia 10years ago,my legs changed to be very thin, now I feel numbness, my veins are out. I have painful stomach ache. Am I going to die?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Bheki,
    Aluvia (lopinavir/ritonavir) and Zovilam (AZT+3TC) are older HIV meds that are no longer in regular use in some countries, such as here in the UK. But most HIV meds can cause mild side effects – usually for the first week or two. After that these symptoms go away. But if the side effects are serious, or continue, you can talk to the clinic and ask if you can switch to other meds.

  4. Bheki

    Hi i started using aluvia and zovilam on Monday but body is feeling weak and i can’t eat,what seems to be the problem?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Alex,

    Other than the Aluvia what else are you taking?

    There are a lot of meds on the markets, however, the types of meds that people can get access to vary from country to country. Where is it that you live? Also what problems did you have with the meds that contained Efavirenz?

  6. Alex

    I started with my treatment 8 months ago, but I was using Efaviranz and I had horrible side effect, my Dr moved me to Aluvia, its been two months now but Im still expeiencing the side effects which are memory loss, confusion, hallusination, nausia, vomiting, sleepless nights wightloss and diareha. My doctor said those were there only two types of med I can possibly get if you have any informmation can you recommend any other med. Im a student, this has resulted me to fail they semester and drivers licience training. My parents are not understand and are assuming that im demon possed, please help.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Lesley, the proescriping information leaflet is far more daunting that the reality of taking these drugs – especially tenofovir. Tenovofir wis widely used by millions of people globally and it is not really linked to the severe side effects of lactic acidosis and pancreatitis. Feeling tired is more likely to be linked to disturbed sleep related to efavirenz. Information on all these:

  8. Lesley

    Hi, I recenty started the combination drug Trivenz for Hiv. I am ccurrently on my second batch, and have only now had time to read the leaflet that accompanies the medication. My concerns are with the drug Tenofovir and it’s side effects whch seems to be life treathing at best. How to I know wether I might have lactate acidosis if I’m asymptomatic, or if I made develop pancreatitis at a later stage. Can my current GP help me out with the relevant answers, cause aside from being really tired and some times nauseating, I have no other side effects.

  9. Simon Collins


    It is great that your baby does not have HIV but the babys doctor should talk to you about the weight. This UK website page gives the normal weight range for an 18 month old baby as between 9.1 and 13.9 kilos. According to this guide your baby is within the normal range.

    It is very unlikely to be related to your HIV drugs which are important both for your health and your baby. Please talk to your doctor though as you may be worrying when there is nothing wrong. Your doctor may want to look again the pattern of how your baby has grown in order to decide if there are other things to consider.

  10. karabo

    hi, i’m a 34 year old mum and i was diagnosed with HIV in 2011, when i was pregnant. I am using Aluvia and lamzid and want to know whether the pills have an affect on my baby not gaining any weight. My baby is hiv negative but he weighs less than 10kg. He is now one year and six months old.


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