Q and A


Can other infection lower my CD4 count?

Please can you answer my question, can there be other infection or virus that can cause the drop in my CD4 count to 320 beside from HIV? I really needs to know.


If you have any form infection from either a virus, bacteria, fungal or parasite (from common cold to other opportunistic illness) then it mean that your immune system has been compromise and there will be a drop in your CD4 count. The level to which it drops also depends on how long you had the infection and how strong your immune system.

When someone is newly diagnosed with HIV, their viral load will goes up and their CD4 count will drop.  Your CD4 will increase after starting treatment, your immune system is often able to deal with these infections by itself again.  The normal range of CD4 count for someone who is HIV negative can be anywhere form 400 to 1600 and 2-3% of people are naturally higher or lower than this.  This is the reason why you need to have an antibody test, and not just viral load.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Baca S.

    As long as your viral load is ok then there’s nothing to worry about. This is because CD4 counts can and do fluctuate. Please see here: http://i-base.info/qa/14760

  2. Baca S

    hi, I tested HIV positive in 2017, my cd4 count was 470 since then have been on med and never messed up not once. I take much nescaf and sleeping pills. I never tested my cd4 before. 2018 i tested and my cd4 dropped to 385. I eat well, am healthy apart from little fever and cold which are treated and gone. does it mean the drop means increase in viral load? my doct gave me multi vitamins. what’s your advise?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Enrrique,

    Your results sound quite clear that you’re HIV negative. How do you feel, are you feeling well? There may be othr reasons why your CD4 count is 162. It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about it.

  4. enrrique

    hi i had a sew with a sex worker after that i had all the symptoms of acute hiv i wen to the dc and did a hiv test at 3 weeks, 3 months, 6 months a year and a half all came back negative at 2 year mark i went to donate blood and everything was good 4 years. after i had alot of symptoms of aids. 2 months ago i went for a pcr rna test came back not detectable and p24 antigen negative and rapid test negative. my wife went to test herself aswell negative she has done 3 rapid 4gen test and elisa test and all negative. but i did a cd4 count and i had a count of cd4 162 i dont understan can i have hiv???

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sasha,

    People who are positive and on meds still get ill, just like negative people. When you say sick, what exactly do you mean? Have you discussed your illnesses with a doctor.

  6. Sasha

    Hi – I am Sasha . I’ve been infected with HIV since mid 2013 . I have had the hardest road with this thing . I’m 34 and I have been on my meds since 2015 …I’ve messed up on my regimen but I’m still on one pill a day and its great but I’m still getting sick. My CD4 is 538.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Caroline,

    No it can’t. If you didn’t contract HIV from your ex, this means that you contracted it from someone else.

    Are you on medication?

  8. Caroline

    Hi i just want to know i had lyme disease in 2013. Sins then i was in a relationship for a year. After we broke up i was 2 years single and didn’t sleep with anyone. I went to donate blood on june and the told me i am HIV positive. I called my ex and he went for a test and he is hiv negative. Can it be the lyme disease that wasn’t fully cured. My cd4 is 43

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Michael – I hope you are both doing okay as finding out you are positive is difficult. At least you can help each other with this and support each other. If you have been having sex without condoms up to now, then the only reasons to start using condoms now are concern for STIs or pregnancy. You can’t tell who became positive first from your CD4 counts. It is better thought to just look forwards in looking after both of your health. Your own CD4 count means it is more important for you to use HIV treatment now, because is is less than 300.

  10. Michael

    Hi – I am Nkosinathi, please help me, my gf tested for HIV and find that she is positive and I decided to test as well. It came back with positive. When we check our CD4 count mine is 243 and hers is 1200. Does this means I got infected first or what? Since we both positive can we have unprotected sex?


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