Q and A


Can other infection lower my CD4 count?

Please can you answer my question, can there be other infection or virus that can cause the drop in my CD4 count to 320 beside from HIV? I really needs to know.


If you have any form infection from either a virus, bacteria, fungal or parasite (from common cold to other opportunistic illness) then it mean that your immune system has been compromise and there will be a drop in your CD4 count. The level to which it drops also depends on how long you had the infection and how strong your immune system.

When someone is newly diagnosed with HIV, their viral load will goes up and their CD4 count will drop.  Your CD4 will increase after starting treatment, your immune system is often able to deal with these infections by itself again.  The normal range of CD4 count for someone who is HIV negative can be anywhere form 400 to 1600 and 2-3% of people are naturally higher or lower than this.  This is the reason why you need to have an antibody test, and not just viral load.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kgomotso,

    In the UK (which is where i-base are based) you’d need to have a viral load of less than 50 copies ml for a vaginal birth. Depending on where you live, you may still be able to have a vaginal birth with with a viral load is 69. If you’re due to give birth soon, then it’s highly likely that your viral load will be undetectable.

    With regards to breastfeeding, again this depends on where you live. In the UK babies born to positive mothers aren’t advised to breastfeed. In the UK we use formula. If you live in Sub Saharan Africa, it’s likely that you’ll be advised to breastfeed.

    Ideally you should talk to your doctor about your birthing options as well as breastfeeding.

  2. Kgomotso

    My cd4 is 582 and my viral load is 69 copies/ mb, I’m pregnant and want to deliver vaginally and breast feed, is this possible or my only option is C-section.

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Jahhhhhhhyo,

    A non reactive HIV result means you’re HIV negative. Please see this link for Q&As about HIV risks and HIV testing http://i-base.info/qa/11844

  4. Jahhhhhhhyo

    I was never diagnosed with HIV and don’t take any medications. When I get tested it comes up non reactive. My CD4 count is very low though.

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thembeka,

    What does you doctor say about this? Please talk to the doctor and ask what can be done to get your viral load back to undetectable as soon as they can.

    When is your baby due? Please let us know, and tell us what meds you are taking too.

  6. Thembeka

    I have miss few doses of my treatment and now my viral load has gone up to 790 from being undetected. Im really worried coz im pregnant. Will the same medication still works please help.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Carol.

    If the ELISA test was positive, then this would imply that you’re positive. If you’ve been on medication since November 2018 this will explain why your viral load is undetectable. However, when did you miss the week of meds? I’m asking as this could have had an impact on your viral load.

  8. Carol

    I was diagnosed with HIV in November 2018 and my CD4 count was 790. I started with treatment immediately but I have not been adhering to it, I missed for a week because I had travelled and forgot my pills, then one time took them later than a normal time because I was working or not home. Now my viral load is zero, is it possible that I am negative?when I first tested, the rapid test was positive then comfirmatory test was negative, then I was advised to do ilizer, but I went to do another rapid and comfirmatory, they were both positive.. That’s when I started on the treatment with CD4 count of 790

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi MGO,

    If your wifes viral load is undetectable there isn’t any risk of transmission, please see here: http://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  10. MGO

    My Wife she’s HIV positive and we had sex the first night and the comdom broke, few nights later it slipped in and recently it broke. She has been taking her med without fail. Please aducate mr


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