Q and A


Do we need PEP if the condom broke and I have undetectable viral load?

I am HIV-positive in a relationship with my partner who is HIV-negative for a few months now. I have been on medication for 3 years now. My partner and I always practice safe sex because of my status. I am worried because during our last sexual encounter my condom broke. If I am undetectable how likely is my partner to get infected? Is there a percentage?


Different studies cite different percentages, but usually the chances are very low. Recent guidelines from Switzerland suggested that the risk is so low when the partner is on stable treatment with an undetectable viral load, good adherence, and no other STIs, that PEP is not necessary.

In the UK, your partner can get post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), which further reduces the chances. PEP needs to be started as soon as possible after the exposure, preferably within two hours, although guidelines extend this to 72 hours. It is unlikely to have any impact beyond this time.

Contact your hospital asap if you want to access PEP.


  1. charity

    Thank you, I’m glad I gave the right information to my friend.
