Q and A


Can I switch to take meds in the morning instead of the evening?

I have just started treatment this week on a combination of truvada, ritonavir and atazanavir.

I have started taking them in the evening but with my work I now think moving to taking them at breakfast would be easier.

Can I just start doing that or is it more complicated than that now I’ve started?



There is a lot of flexibility in timing to find what works best for you.

With the meds in your combination is also easy to switch from evening to morning. Take your last evening dose at the usual time, and then take another dose the next morning at the time you want to take them. You are doing this to make sure you never leave more than 24 hours between doses, when the drug levels could drop too low and risk resistance.

Your drug levels will be slightly higher for the first few hours of dose the next day. This is unlikely to be a risk because there is already a wide range of variability in drug levels achieved by different people.

If you are worried about this, your last evening dose could be taken without the ritonavir, but this might be unecessarily cautious.

The only meds that really need to be taken at night are efavirenz and rilpivirine, or the combined pills that include these meds (Atripla and Complera).

Your HIV pharmacist would also be able to talk to you about this on the phone if you want to check this with the clinic first.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Maria. venlafaxine is a treatment for depression. You do not mention HIV. so please contact your doctor or clinic with your questions. This website is about HIV and related questions.

  2. Maria

    Can I take 37.5 mg of venlafaxine then in a week 75 mg at 9pm as that’s when I took my first ever dose

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zak, agomelatine should be taken at bedtime. It is best to skip this dose completely and then continue as normal from the evening.

  4. Zak

    Can I take my agomelatine in the morning if I skipped my dose last night.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Martha, how long have you been experiencing these symptoms? What sort of pain are you experiencing? Whole body pain is not a common side effect of Telatri (TLD). Have you spoken to a doctor about these symptoms? Have you started any other treatment recently?

  6. Martha

    Since l.started taking Telatri my feet are sore .l was using eftavirent then they changed to telatri my whole body is painful.l cant even exercise coz l feel.heavy especially with my legs and shoulders

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Anna, yes you can take TLD in the PM rather than the AM. In most cases it is recommended that TLD is taken in the morning to avoid problems sleeping. However not everyone experiences these problems sleeping, so as long as taking TLD in the PM works for you it will not be a problem.

  8. Anna

    Can I take TLD pm instead of am ?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Karron, monteleukast is a medication usually only given in the evenings. Have you only been having vivid dreams since starting this treatment? You will need to speak with you doctor about how best to approach this. How long have you been taking monteleukast?

  10. Karron

    How to switch from taking montelukas from pm to am for hives. To see if I have lass vivid dreams


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