
Can I use my old ARVs after finishing my TB treatment?

I am HIV positive and on treatment for 2-months now but was recently I was diagnosed with TB. I am on TB treatment for just over a month now as well but recently experienced fever, no energy, tired all the time and lost 6 kgs already! Is this normal? Secondly, can I go back to my previous ARVs after 10 days?

Other doctors prescribed so called better and newer ARVs called Atripla but since taking them felt worse or is it just the TB? The previous ARVs and Atripla contains exaxtly the same ingredients! Help would be appreciated!


Please speak to your doctor about your weight loss. Then s/he can look at what might be causing this.

If your previous HIV meds were efavirenz, tenofovir and FTC taken separately, then you can always switch back to these if you find the single pill formulation is different.  You should however, discuss this with your doctor before making any changes.

There shouldn’t be any difference, but we occasionally hear that some people find one formulation different to the individual meds taken separately.


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