Q and A


What is the normal range for CD4 count?

What is the normal range for CD4 count?


The normal CD4 range for HIV negative people is between 400 – 1600 cells/mm3

For more information on CD4 count please take a look at this link:


And this one soon interpreting results:



  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, Many people feel stressed when they first test positive, so it can be difficult time. But many countries now say you can start treatment at any CD4 count. And one of the advantages of starting treatment is that it can reduce the risk of getting other illnesses. It also helps keep your CD4 count high. You can ask your doctor to find out why you’re losing weight.

  2. Samkeh

    I just found out that I’m HIV positive and my CD4 count is 469. So I wanna know if I can start treatment. By the way I’m not sick at all, but after finding out my results I’ve lost 2kg and that real stresses me.

  3. Robin Jakob


    Treatment works very well today and there is a very good chance you will be able to increase your CD4 count. You should not be discouraged if this does not happen immediately, it can take a little while.

  4. Wonderboy

    Hi I have tested HIV positive and my CD4 count is 344 so can I make them increase if I take the treatment right?

  5. Robin Jakob


    Many HIV positive women do this now.
    You can find lots of information about this here: http://i-base.info/qa/faqs-on-having-a-baby

  6. laura

    Hi, i’am posive and when i had my last CD count the doctor told my the virus have reduced. Am I allowed to have children with my negative husband?

  7. Robin Jakob


    These numbers are great. Your CD4 count shows your immune system is working well. It is within the range of what is ‘normal’ for someone that does not have HIV. You viral load of 20 is great. This shows there is very little virus in your blood and your treatment is working.

  8. sean

    I am HIV and have just done my six months test and my CD4 count is 645 and my viral load is 20. Could you give me more information on the above, wheter it is good or bad?

  9. Simon Collins

    This sounds like an HIV negative result but for something this important your doctor or testing centre should expalin these results,

    Questions about testing and generally covered in this FAQ page:

  10. shak

    hi all what does it means by the result of HIV COMBI-PT – 0.225 – COI



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