Q and A


Should I continue taking septrin if my CD4 count has risen to above 200?

How long can a person take Septrin?

Is it ok to continue taking it even if CD4 levels have risen (from below 10 to 270)?


It is really good news that your CD4 count has risen to 270 cells from such a low count.

Septrin is prescribed as prophylaxis against PCP [a type of pneumonia] when someone has a CD4 count of below 200 cells, and against toxoplasmosis (a type of brain infection) someone is at risk of developing with a CD4 count of less than 100 cells.

In the UK, once a person’s CD4 count increases to above 100 cells when on treatment, then they can stop Septrin. That is, unless they have previously had PCP.

For someone who has previously had PCP, it is recommended to continue until the CD4 count is above 200 cells/mm3. This is based on EACS guidelines (v11.1, October 2022).

In some African countries, Septrin is recommended until the CD4 count is over 350 (and sometimes until over 500). This is because the background risk of infections can vary in different countries.

In countries with high risk of malaria or severe bacterial infections, prophylaxis should continue, irrespective of CD4 count on ART. There are also different recommendations for children and in other specific circumstances. (WHO consolidated guidelines, 2021)

In terms of safety, if your doctor has recommended that you continue taking the septrin, then this is very safe to do so.

This pot was updated in January 2023 from a question frost answered in January 2012. 


  1. juju

    Hi I receive atroiza today nd my cd4 is 118, so I want to knw after how long my cd4 is gonna raise?

  2. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Joseph,
    It’s unusual to be given Septrin when your CD4 count is this high- did you have any HIV symptoms?

    It’s fine to take food supplements if you want to do this, but this will not increase your CD4 count or treat HIV.

  3. Joseph

    Hi, My first test of CD4 count was 580 and was put on septrine. I do go to gym almost everyday and wanted to buy some food supplements is it good idea?

  4. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Phillip,

    Are you also on ARVs? If your CD4 count is 700 you may be able to stop taking Septrin but it is important to discuss this with your doctor.

    It’s great that your baby is negative and your wife is on treatment. It’s important that you both continue to get monitored but it sounds like you are doing very well. From the information you have given here there is nothing specific you need to do.

  5. Philip

    Am taking septrin now my forth year my CD4 is 700 am strong not feeling anything, am i at any risk or what do i do?
    My wife is on ARV, but our 10 month son is tested – negative.
    Generally what do we do as familly if any risk.

  6. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Sherry,
    It’s great that you are so supportive and concerned about your friend. Having the support of friends can make it much easier to deal with being HIV+. If your friend’s CD4 count (T cell count) is 100 it is important that he is receiving ARVS. You can read about HIV treatment and CD4 counts in our guide to starting treatment.

  7. sherry

    I subcontract from Medicaid. I have a client that has had aids for 26 years. Him nd I are very close. He’s one of my best friends. His T cells are 100 I’m very worried . Is there anything we can do

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Richie

    In the UK the guidelines recommend starting treatment at about 350. If your CD4 count is higher than this and you have no other complications, it is fine to wait for a while.

    Some countries already use a higher CD4 count of 500 and some higher still are the reasons for the differences are discussed here:

  9. richie

    Thanks Rebecca.
    when i wrote to you my CD4 was 350 us we talk now it has gone to 650 , what i do daily is to eat well take 1 tablet of septrine and go to work have not had any side effects or anything related to symptoms but i feel tired often mostly in the evening going to bed and in the morning when i wake up

    What can i do ?
    the headache stopped may be coz i was going through accepting that have been diagnosed with HIV .

    Can i still hold on their till its the right time to start medication

    Thanks a lot


  10. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Richie,
    Septrin is usually given either to treat an infection like pneumonia, or to prevent infections in people who have CD4 counts under 200. Have you had any illnesses?

    You should speak to your doctor about this headache- I can’t diagnose this online and it may be a side effect or a sign of something else.

    Septrin won’t increase your CD4 count so it won’t increase the time before you need to start ARVs. In most countries people are advised to start ARVs when their CD4 count is 350 or below. For more information about CD4 counts and starting treatment please see our Introduction to combination therapy guide.


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