Q and A


What are the chances my partner has HIV and does not know?

I do not know if the girl that I was with has HIV, she tells me that I have nothing to worry about. When we initially had sex I had only known her for about a week, so I really don’t know if she would lie to me. She and I still talk and I have asked her several times if there is anything I need to worry about and she says no.

I have been tested for some of the other STDs that my doctor recommended and tested negative, and have had no symptoms of anything else, and was also tested for HIV after 30 days and 60 days.

I guess what I would like to know is what are the chances that she has HIV and does not know? And if she did what are the chances that she could give it to me?


I can’t reply to a question like what are the chances that she is HIV-positive and she does not know? It is a bit ridiculous. If she wants to know her status (if she does not know it by now), then she will go for a test. Again if SHE WANTS to.

As for you, the tests clearly indicate that you are HIV-negative. I would suggest if you are that worried about HIV and whether the girl is positive, then you need to simply use condoms when you are with her. It solves the problem.


  1. Svilen Konov

    Depends on the type of tests your local clinic uses. I would suggest you inquire directly there. Without that information I cannot provide you with the exact information.

  2. Rohit

    I have a similar issue. I had known this girl for like a month. We still talk and meet and I have asked her a few times if I need to be worried and she was like “NO”. It’s been just over a week since we had sex. How long should I wait before having the first test?
    PS: This girl is a nurse trainee here in France.

  3. Svilen Konov

    Sometimes tests do give false positve results, that is why western blot is done to confirm/discard the result. The fact that your western blot did not confirm the initial result means that you are HIV-negative. I, personally, do not think that the pregnancy as such has led to this result, usually it is a combination of reasons.

  4. Josie Brooks

    I just had a son 17 months ago, I had a test when my son was about 1 yrs old, I was pregnant with my second child 3 months ago and I took a test at the doctors office. The one test said reactive, but the western blot said negative. I was told that could have been because it was my second pregnancy. Is that true?