Q and A


Will early treatment help my health and make me live longer?

I have been on treatment for two months. My CD4 is 544 and my viral load is undetectable. Research shows that beginning treatment early is vital to overall health and longevity. My question is what is considered to be early; in HIV diagnosis? 3 months? 1 year? I am 100% sure that I was infected in august of 2011. I was diagnosed at the end of December 2011. What are my chances for continued good health?


It is good to see that you are taking a keen interest in research about HIV. This can keep you informed about new advances. It can also help you to be more in control of your health during a difficult time.

I do not think you are right to interpret the research that supports early treatment.  Although there are theoretical benefits, there are also potential disadvantages.  Interestingly, several very large database studies find no clinical benefits from starting with a CD4 count over 500 and some find little difference from starting above 350.

So there are reasons why earlier treatment may be beneficial but also disadvantages, although small, including adherence, possible side effects and resistance. Therefore, making a decision to start treatment is individual and will be right for some people but perhaps not for others.

Here in the UK, guidelines recommend people who are positive to start treatment if your CD4 count drops below 350.  In the USA, the figure is below 500 with some experts thinking that starting above 500 also has advantages.

Please see the discussion on a similar question at this link.

Nobody can say what the exact life expectancy in a situation like this are, as there are too many factors that can play a role.  How long anyone lives depends on things you can change (smoking, exercise, medication) and thing you cannot (genetics and bad luck). Please see at the link below for more information on life expectancy.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Roozy,

    If your viral load is undetectable, which is should be as you’ve been on meds for more than 3 months, then no there isn’t a risk. Please see Q’s 9 and 14 here: http://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions

  2. Roozy

    I’ve been taking arv treatment from 2015 and my partner is HIV negative will he be infected iven if I’m on treatment?

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Nompumelo,
    If you’re talking about oral sex you might want to take a look at our Testing and Transmission guide. This link will take you to the page which talks about oral sex.

  4. Nompumelo

    My partner wanta 2 taste me and I’m positive,he is negative. I’m also on ARVs.


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