Q and A


Does unprotected sex affect CD4 count?

Both my partner and I are positive.

I recently did my blood test and my CD4 count has dropped from 515 to 112 in a year. I was informed that I had to start medication.

He is not on meds as yet. We try our best to practice safe sex. But can this cause me to become resistant or continue lowering my CD4

Please assist.


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry your CD4 count has dropped so quickly fast. The good news in that, your CD4 will increase back to where is was, or higher in some cases, once you start treatment. You may find it useful to read our guide An introduction to combination therapy. The guide explains how treatment works, in more detail.

It is good that you do your best to use protection when you have sex. Unprotected sex will not affect your CD4 count.  There is a small chance of resistance. However, this is only an issue if you have a different strain of HIV from your partner.  If both of you have the same strain then the main risk of having unprotected sex would be STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections).

Although HIV positive people can be re-infected with a different type of HIV, the risk of this is probably lower than the risk of catching HIV when you are HIV negative.

On another note, can I ask if both you and your partner are in contact with support groups for positive people? Many find it helpful to share experiences and ways of coping with living with HIV.

You did not specify where you live. However, if you did want to make contact with support groups, your doctor will be able to refer you to one in your area.


  1. Sihle

    I’m hiv and I’m taking med. Should alcohol affect my cd4 count? And what happening if not taking my med on time? And being hiv should loose weight but I eat my med

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Vuyiswa,

    If your viral load is undetectable, you cannot transmit HIV. Plesae see here: http://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  3. Vuyiswa

    Hey my viral load is undetectable and my partner is negative will something happen if we don’t use a condom…will the viras spead more plz help

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lethabo,

    It’s good that you’re on HIV treatment (ART). ART is the only way to treat HIV and help keep your CD4 count up. But if you don’t use condoms it won’t affect your CD4 count.

    How is your treatment going, and what meds are you taking? Do you have access to your viral load result. If viral load is undetectable it will help your CD4 count.

  5. Lethabo

    Hey am HIV positive n am on treatment but my partner he is not on pills n problem is we usually have unprotected sex so will this affect CD4 count

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Dorcas,

    It’s great that you’re on ARVs. But do you have access to your viral load results?

    This is important to say if it’s safe to have sex without using condoms. U=U means that someone with an undetectable HIV viral load on HIV treatment (ART) cannot transmit HIV, even without using condoms

    Undetectable means having a viral load result that is under 50 copies m/L.

    There’s much more info about Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) here.

  7. Dorcas

    I’m hiv and having unprotected sex with my men we are on arv together is it safe for us not to use a condom?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Keletso,

    If you have the same strain of HIV as your partner then there really isn’t an issue of reinfection. Therefore its up to you if you wish to have sex with your ex partner without a condom.

  9. Keletso

    My cd4 is 612,an now taking pills…what wil happen if I can still sleep with the guy who infected me while he is not on pills

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lolo,

    It is very common for someone to still be negative even if they have not been using condoms with someone who is HIV positive. Please see the Q&A here.

    It’s great that your viral load is undetectable at 40 copies/mL. And you can’t get HIV from a partner if they are HIV negative.

    Keeping your viral load undetectable helps keep your CD4 count up. There’s no reason to think your CD4 can drop while you’re on successful HIV treatment.


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