Q and A


Where can I meet gay HIV+ people in India?


Thanks for you support. In Nov 2011, I was tested HIV positive, and my CD4 count was 523. Last week my CD4 test last week came back 670. I felt so good about it, and at the same time I have also gain 8 kg weight. I am not on medication.

I am from Nanded, Maharashtra, India. Can u please tell me where can I meet other gay HIV positive people in Maharashtra India?



Thank-you for your email. I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis but it’s good to hear how positive you sound. Your CD4 is a healthy count which suggests your immune system is still strong. It’s important to attend regular check-ups with your doctor to monitor your CD4 and also your viral load. More information about CD4 counts.

You asked about meeting other HIV positive gay people in Maharashtra.  I would suggest contacting the Naz Foundation. Alternatively you could contact the Humsafar Trust who are based in Mumbai.

Both of the groups above may be able to suggest ways for you to contact other HIV+ gay people in the area. I also know that there is still a lot of stigma in India, that makes meeting other gay men difficult enough. Even though a lot of people are HIV positive, very few people are open about their HIV status.

Please do get back to me if you would like any further information.


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