Q and A


What is an undetectable viral load?

What is an undetectable viral load? I had thought it was less than 50 but when I got my results today mine was 42 (down from 82 last time). Can labs measure almost any level of virus these days?


An undetectable viral load means that the level of HIV in your blood is below the threshold needed for detection by this test.

A viral load test is a measurement of the amount of HIV in your body.  The measurement is given in the number of copies in milliliter (copies/mL).

If you are on treatment, then your viral load should go down to undetectable level (less than 50 copies/mL).  Once your viral load goes down, then slowly your CD4 count will increase, although not to the level before infection.

Since your viral load has reduced from 82 to 42, this is a good indication that your treatment is working for you.  It is also possible for your viral load can go down further too.

Viral load technology has progressed during the last 30 years of HIV history.  The tests have been greatly improved and tests used for research are even more sensitive – down to 5 or even 1 copy/mL.

All hospitals in the UK now routinely use viral load tests that measure down to 20, 40 or 50 copies/mL.


  1. Brittany

    Hi I went to the doctor in December and my viral load was 30 copies. Since then I haven’t been on my meds. How fast would my viral load increase since then? How soon would treatment work because I still have meds.

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lucky,

    VL <34 copies means HIV is undetectable at less than 34 copies/mL. The standard cut off for undetectable is less than 50 copies/mL.

    So it looks like your HIV meds are working well. But it would be good to get your CD4 result too.

    What meds are you taking?

  3. Lucky

    Good day my VL this January is <34 copies what does it means?but I didnt know my CD4 count yet

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dezi,

    If its climbing and your adhering to your meds this would imply that the meds are no longer working like they should do. Are you able to discuss this with your doctor?

  5. Dezi

    I received my second viral load test today because my first one was 132 and a week later it is 223.I want to cry because I don’t know why it is getting worse.It was <40 in July 2018

  6. Dezi

    I am going to ask if they could take some blood again and then see the results.
    Thank you

  7. Lisa Thorley


    This could be a lab error, are you able to have this checked again?

  8. Dezi

    My viral load was 41 in July 2018 and today I received my new viral load and it is 132!Why is that?What did I do wrong?I drink my medication every day

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Shy,

    What your doctor is telling you is right, this is a great sign. Your HIV is under control because your viral load is undetectable. There’s no risk of you transmitting HIV, please see here: http://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  10. Shy

    I just been told today that my viral load is 20 and my CD4 is 350.The doctor said it’s a good sign.Should I be happy and not worry about infecting my partner am still using condoms I feel safe that way.


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