Q and A


What is an undetectable viral load?

What is an undetectable viral load? I had thought it was less than 50 but when I got my results today mine was 42 (down from 82 last time). Can labs measure almost any level of virus these days?


An undetectable viral load means that the level of HIV in your blood is below the threshold needed for detection by this test.

A viral load test is a measurement of the amount of HIV in your body.  The measurement is given in the number of copies in milliliter (copies/mL).

If you are on treatment, then your viral load should go down to undetectable level (less than 50 copies/mL).  Once your viral load goes down, then slowly your CD4 count will increase, although not to the level before infection.

Since your viral load has reduced from 82 to 42, this is a good indication that your treatment is working for you.  It is also possible for your viral load can go down further too.

Viral load technology has progressed during the last 30 years of HIV history.  The tests have been greatly improved and tests used for research are even more sensitive – down to 5 or even 1 copy/mL.

All hospitals in the UK now routinely use viral load tests that measure down to 20, 40 or 50 copies/mL.


  1. Nick


    I had just recently did blood tests during the month of June and the results came back 140 copies/ml with CD4 count 1088. However when I last did my tests during Jan they came back as <20 copies/ml with CD4 count 791(undetectable). Does this mean the recent results mean that I'm undetectable ?because according to my understanding, undetectable should be less than 20 copies.

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Enhle,

    A VL of less than 40 means it is undetectable because it’s below 50 copies/mL. And a CD4 count of 871 is strong. So it looks like your HIV treatment is working well.

    Here’s a page from ART in pictures that shows that ART works as soon as you start.

  3. Enhle

    My VL less than 40 nd my CD4 871 i started my medication july 2018 . what that mean???

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lindelwa,

    When someone is on medication, there are two important tests. A CD4 count test and viral load. Your CD4 is stable and its also well within the range that it should be. A viral load test looks at the amount of HIV within your blood. When a person has a viral load of less than 50, this means that their HIV is under control. You’re doing well. You also can’t transmit HIV when having sex without a condom.

  5. Lindelwa

    I was diagnosed HIV + last year 2018 August started treatment in September. At the time my CD4 was 510, recently I went to have my blood tested and the results were 578 CD4 count, and viral load was less than 4 copies. Can you explain to me what less than 4 copies mean?? Thank you..

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nozi,

    An undetectable viral load is anything under 50. However, the risk of transmitting HIV with a viral load of 82 is negligible.

  7. nozi

    My viral load is 82 am I undectactableor in risk

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Brian,

    To know for sure if your viral load is undetectable you’ll need a viral load test. However, unless you’ve had issues with you medication your viral load should be undetectable. This is because a persons viral load usually becomes undetectable within 1-3 months of starting treatment.

  9. Brian

    Hi I’m Brian from eastern cape mthatha I would like to know my viral load is undetachable and I have since taking my medication for six years

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Brittany,

    Please can I ask why you’ve stopped treatment? If you decide to stop treatment, your viral load is likely to rebound within a week or two.

    Many people find adhering hard at some times in their lives but there are ways to make it easier. Likewise if you are suffering side effects – you can switch to meds that better suit you.

    Please talk to your doctor about how you feel. It is not generally good to stop treatment.

    What meds were you taking? Can you discuss this with your doctor because there’s a chance the treatment will not work as well. You might have to change to different meds.


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