Q and A


Is impetigo a reason to start treatment?

Hello again! I just wanted to say what a great site this is – I have found it so useful and informative.

My question(s) are :-

1. I read about the current starting point for HAART being a CD4 count of 350 or having symptoms – but I am not clear on what those symptoms would be in order to indicate treatment at higher CD4 counts.

2. I probably contracted HIV about 2 years ago – with a negative test at 18 months and a positive test at 6 months ago. My CD4 is 480 and a constant viral load of 50 copies (which I am told is very low) but I do get impetigo type breakouts on my face from time to time and these heal after about 2 weeks. Could this be an indication to start early treatment – or are my bloods ok to continue without HAART?

I read that skin problems are common in HIV, but not clear about what constitutes enough of a problem to start treatment .

Thank you


With such a low viral load and good CD4 count it would be unusual to start HAART without first trying to treat your impetigo separately.

The symptoms that the guidelines refer to can include skin problems but more commonly are related to coinfections (hepatitis, TB etc), opportunistic infections, or cancers – all of which can benefit from HAART.

More details about this are online in the BHIVA Guidelines.

Ask your doctor to investigate the impetigo first, as it is not necessarily linked to your HIV.


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