Q and A


CD4 70, on Bactrim and Atripla, are there any interactions?

Hi. I recently got diagnosed with HIV. CD4 count of 70 and Viral count over 400,000. Pretty bad.

My doctor has started me immediately on Atripla and I feel a bit better after 2 weeks. In addition he has put me on Bactrim to prevent any lung infection due to the low CD4 count.

The question I have is do the two drugs I am taking have interactions that I should be aware of? Also has anyone gone through the same meds together? Thanks.


I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis but it’s great to hear that you’re starting to feel better already.

Because this answer is being posted online I’ll explain first of all the different drugs you are using.

Atripla contains three HIV drugs- efavirenz, FTC, tenofovir. This is a recommended first line treatment in both the USA and UK. More information about Atripla is at this link. This includes information about how to take it, and potential side effects.

Bactrim is the trade name for co-trimoxazole, which is made up of two drugs trimethoprim (TMP) and sulphamethoxazole. This is a standard treatment given to people diagnosed with a CD4 under 200 to reduce the possibility of developing a pneumonia called PCP. This link has more information on PCP.

You should feel very confident in this treatment. It’s the first option that would be given to somebody starting with a CD4 under 200.  These drugs should not have any interactions with each other. If you do experience any side effects or new symptoms you can talk to your doctor about these.

I wish you the best of luck with your treatment, please do get in touch if you have any further questions.

If you’d like to read more about HIV treatment please take a look at this Introduction to combination therapy.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Modiehi,

    I’m sorry to hear of your diagnosis. But it’s good that you’ve started HIV treatment (ART).

    It’s important to see your doctor about this side effect. Sometimes there can be a serious reaction to the meds we take. And as you are on Bactrim and prednisone as well as Atroiza, you should discuss the itching with your doctor.

    Do you have access to your viral load and CD4 count results? If so please let us know.

    Please see this introduction to ART. There’s lots of info in this guide about starting ART, and about how ART works.

  2. Modiehi

    I am HIV positive and started with Atroiza 6days ago. I also take bactrim 3tabs 6hrly and prednisone now 20mg daily. I have just started itching and it is so unbearable when it itches. I have noted that itching is one of the side effects of bactrim but was said in rare cases. Could it be the cause and can I continue?


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