Q and A


How does HIV and HIV meds affect the brain?


The best way to answer this complicated question is to look at HIV and HIV drugs separately in terms of the brain.

HIV and the brain

HIV gets into the brain within the first few weeks of infection. However,  most people luckily do not seem to experience any direct symptoms from this. Most people are able to continue with day to day life so long as their CD4 count stays high.

If your CD4 count drops below 200, the risk increases for infections that can affect how you feel and think. If the CD4 count drops to below 100 and especially below 50, this includes HIV-related dementia.

If ARV treatment is when the CD4 count is above 350, these problems are very unlikely. Even if started late, HIV drugs can often reverse problems related to brain function.

So for people on effective and stable treatment, HIV does not seem to progress to damage the brain or cause symptoms. Most people continue to be able to lead a normal life.

Ongoing research is now looking at long term complications of HIV. Some researchers think that there may be small changes that we haven;t know about before. Just as getting older increases the risk of symptoms like memory loss, this risk may be higher if you are HIV positive, or it might occur at an earlier age.

The medical name for changes in brain function is neuro-cognitive impairment (NCI for short).

HIV meds and the brain

How HIV drugs affect the brain is difficult to study but it is the focus of a lot of research.

The brain is physically difficult to research because it is encased in the skull and surrounded by a fluid that is also difficult to test. This fluid is called cerebral spinal fluid – or CSF for short. There is a filter between the blood and the CSF called the blood-brain barrier (BBB).

In practice, the BBB only lets the smallest HIV drug molecules get in to the CSF and the larger compounds are blocked. One group of researchers has summarised which drugs are likely to cross the BBB using CSF penetrating effectiveness (CPE) score.

Table 1: Estimated CSF penetration of individual HIV meds (CPE score)

Drug class 4 3 2 1
Nukes AZT abacavir, FTC ddI, 3TC, d4T tenofovir, ddC
NNRTIs nevirapine efavirenz,


PIs indinavir/r darunavir/r,



lopinavir/r (Kaletra)









Entry inhibitors maraviroc T-20 (enfuvirtde)
Integrase inhibitors raltegravir

4=good CSF penetration; 1=little or no CSF penetration

This table is based on limited data though and sometimes the position of individual drugs changes as new research develops.

Some drugs can find another route into the brain and CSF that gets around the BBB, so this may not be the full story.

How important is it to use drugs that get into the CSF?

The answer to this question is not known. People using drugs that have low CSF penetration do not seem to be at higher risk of HIV brain-related illnesses compared to people using drigs that we think do get to the brain. However, in someone with NCI symptoms, guidelines recommended adding or switching to drugs that are more likely to get into the CSF.

Two other aspects of this research are important.

One is that drug levels in the CSF are only an indirect measure of whether drugs reach brain tissue. Measuring CSF is difficult enough. It involves a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) but is used because we cannot biopsy brain tissue directly. Really we need to know about whether drugs get into brain tissue (cells).

Another is that a few studies have suggested that drugs getting into the CSF also has the potential to cause side effects. There is even less data on whether this might be a long term concern. So far, again luckily, the balance of risk vs benefit seems to support getting in mat be better than not getting in, especially in someone with NCI symptoms.

Assessment and monitoring

Part of the difficulties about anything related to the brain is that changes in brian function can be difficult to measure and monitor. Extensive tests that take several hours or use difficult and expensive scanning techniques that are not practical for testing everyone in a clinic.

How you think and feel, including memory, can be affected by other things in your life. Brain function also changes over time in most people as we age.

The following three areas are used in the European EACS guidelines for assessing whether further testing might be needed.

  1. If you have changes in memory loss (e.g. do you forget the occurrence of special events even the more recent ones, appointments, etc. ?)
  2. If you feel that you are slower when reasoning,  planning activities,  or solving problems?
  3. If you have difficulties paying attention (e.g. to a conversation, a book, or a movie)?

Your doctor should also ask about these aspects of your health as part of routine monitoring, especially in older patients or in people with a low CD4 count.

Further reading

CHARTER study for details of 2010 CPE penetration score. 17th CROI, abstract 430.


PDF link


EACS guidelines includes a section for assessing neurocognitive impairment (NCI) – see page 48.


IADL (daily Living Score – used in EACS guidelines)



  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mercy,

    Before your husband was on medication and his viral load was detectable you were basically very lucky. Due to him being on meds, he’s protecting you. This is because when someone has an undetectable viral load they can’t transmit HIV. Please see here:


    Your husband being positive is no reason not to be in a relationship with him. People all over the world are in relationships with people who are positive and its not an issue.

  2. Mercy

    hi, am Mercy. my husband tested hiv positive last year december and is on drugs. we have been having unprotected sex since then coz I fear hurting his feelings and making him feel rejected. I have been going for the tests but they always come out negative. many times I have contemplated on leaving him but I love him soo much. is it that the virus is not yet detected in my blood stream or is it that am genuinely unafected?, I need your advise please.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nomakhosi,

    Yes, people can have memory loss when their CD4 counts are low. Please see here:


    How low is your brothers? Other than ARV’s, what else is he taking?

  4. Nomakhosi

    Hi my brother is HIV positive an his on treatment, his cd4 count is very low and now he has a memory loss, I wanna know if its not something that will happen forever, is it memory loss because his sick he’ll be fine or what?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Richard,

    What meds is your mum taking? What’s her CD4?

    When you say memory loss, what do you mean? Also how is her behavior different?

  6. Richmond

    My 48 year old mum has just started ART.She’s been on them for a week. She’s been behaving differently and has memory loss, what should I do?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Vally,

    A persons CD4 count can fluctuate, however this is a big increase. Is it possible to have it tested again? Also why didn’t you start meds when your CD4 was 225?

  8. Vally

    I find out that m HIV positive in 2015 and my Cd4 count was 225 in 2016 around September my blood was taken to lab my CD4 count came back 664 how is that possible coz m not on my meds ?

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Tammy,
    I’m sorry to hear that think you are experiencing memory loss. Can I ask how old you are?

    Your email address suggests that you are based in South Africa. If your doctor doesn’t know how to deal with HIV memory loss- because this is a specialist area- she should be able to contact a neurologist with HIV experience for advice. You may also wish to contact the Treatment action campaign in South Africa who can give you information about accessing treatment.

  10. Tammy

    I really want to learn more about memory loss and hiv coz , i think i am experiencing the symptoms and I have asked my doctor unfortunately she seem not to know much about it or she is scared to tell me about being affected and I need to fight it severely and positively


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