Q and A


What is the safest way to feed my baby?

I am 8 months pregnant and HIV positive.

Which is the best and safest method of feeding my child once she is born?

Is breast milk ok?


Firstly, congratulations on your pregnancy.

The answer to your question depends on which country you live in. This is because different countries have different guidelines for the management of HIV in pregnancy.

In the UK, the BHIVA (British HIV Association) guidelines recommend bottle feeding.

This is because in countries where mothers can have access to to formula milk AND clean water AND bottle sterilising equipment, the risk of transmitting HIV to the baby through bottle feeding is zero.

However, in some countries mothers do not have easy access to the all the above facilities. Unless sterile water and equipment is available, the baby is at risk of other serious illnesses.

In these countries,  the WHO (World Health Organisation) guidelines recommend that if a woman is taking HIV treatment (ART), then she should breastfeed exclusively for 6 months.  After 6 months the baby can then be weaned onto a safe diet without breastfeeding.

Taking ARVs and having an undetectable viral load dramatically reduces the risk of transmission through breastfeeding.

Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended because mixed feeding carries a greater risk of transmission.

Please discuss this with your doctor so you understand the recommendations where you live.

Are in contact with support groups for people living with HIV? I ask because many women find it helpful to share experiences and ways of coping with being positive and pregnant.

If you live in the UK, you may also find it useful to contact Positively UK, an organisation who support families living with HIV. They will put you in touch with an HIV positive “mentor mother”. Mentor mothers are HIV women who have had children and who can support you through your own pregnancy.

Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy and with the delivery.

This answer was updated in January 2016 from a question first posted on 17 April 2012.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Phela,

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter.
    If you’re on ARVs then the current World Health Organisation recommendations are that you can exclusively breastfeed your daughter. If you have now deiced that you wish to change to 100% formula you can do this. You must not however, mix feed as this could increase the risk of transmission.

  2. Phela

    Hi, I’m HIV positive and I just gave birth six days ago. I choose to exclusively breastfeed my baby but I’m now scared on what if she catches the virus. Is it possible to switch off to formula as she is just a week now? Please I need an advice.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Feisal, as long as you are on effective HIV treatment the risk to your baby is very low. This means you viral load needs to be undetectable. The risk is not zero, but is estimated to be about 3 in 1000 (0.3%) if you breast feed for 3-6 months. Please talk to your doctor about thiw though as recommendations vary in different countries.

  4. Feisal

    how can I breast feed my baby while I am HIV positive

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Pretty, congratulations on your new baby. Please talk you your doctor or nurse about feeding options. I am sorry that I can’t help more becasue I don;t know about you and your babies health. I am sure there will be lots of options.

  6. pretty

    Hy m 6 months pregnant want to formula feed my baby and give other liquid stuff is it health?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Martha, please speak to your doctor or clinic. If your viral load is undetectable the risk is very low to your baby. If you have access to clean water and want the risk to be zero, then switching once is likely to be fine, but the people involved in your care need to understand how you feel so they can help you.

  8. Martha

    AM HIV POSTIVE MOTHER I GIVE BIRTH TO A BABY BOY AND USE TO BREASTFEED HIM HE 1MONTH AND 2weeks,I want to chaneg this methods of breastfeeding and give him formula only.because I dn’t feel safe with giving him breastmilk.it’s tht possible.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Tracey, please talk to your doctor – usually you only want to use one or other method.

  10. tracey

    hey i want to know ist possible to use both formular and braestmilk when am hiv positive, am saying this cause am studing am staying in south africa