Q and A


What do my lab results mean?

My recent report reads:
HIVRNA: less than 1.0+02 IU/ML
CD3: 955
CD4: 99
CD8: 835
CD4%: 10.4%
CD8%: 87.4%
CD4/CD8%: 0.12
White cell: 3.8 10^9L
NEU: 1.39 10^9 L.
NEU%: 36.3%
(on Lamivudine(3TC), tenofovir,kaletra (lopinavir/r) for 1.5 month, CD4 was 9, HIVRNA: 3.4 IU/ML 3 month ago.)
Could you please let me know what does this report mean? Am I getting better or still quite poorly?


The increase in your CD4 count from 9 to 99 after 1.5 months on treatment is very encouraging. This is a very good response to treatment.

Unfortunately I can’t comment on your viral load results. This is because these results are usually reported as copies/ml or logs. You could ask the lab to provide you an interpretation of these results to help to understand them. Please follow this link for more information about viral load testing


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Debra,
    Are you HIV positive? If you are confused by what your lab results mean please discuss this with the lab which provided them, or with your doctor.

  2. Debra

    I just got by labs in and my NEU% is43.1 low. What does that mean? I do have appt on Wed.

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Susan,

    This information service is for people who are HIV positive. If you are HIV positive please let me know, and I will try to answer your questions.

  4. Susan

    I have had a positive ANA plus have been diagnosed with Neuropathy arms and legs. I have been having a lot of peteie on my arms very concerned Im only 56. the say my I have autoimmune disease but don’t know which one like that makes a difference. My LDH is 500 can you tell me what that means does that have anything to do with my skin?

  5. Simon Collins

    Although this way of giving viral load results is very unusual, I think that 1.0E+02 is a way of writing 2 logs is 100. So your viral load is less than 100 copies/mL, which may be the cut-off for the sensitivity of this test. So this is good news.

    The previous result of 3.4, if tis is 3.4 log copies/mL is the same as 2,512 copies/mL.

    See this log-to-copy translation table.

  6. John

    Thank a lot Rebecca. Very sorry the HIVRNA is : <1.0E+02 IU/ml
    it was 3.4 before. Could you please let me know if this makes sense?
    Many thanks.


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