Q and A


How much do ARVs cost privately in South Africa?



Drug pricing for HIV meds is complex. It varies depending whether a country is rich or poor because global agreements and treatment programmes recognise that richer countries are able to pay more for basic medicine.

It also related to how serious a health problem in terms of numbers of people who are HIV positive in that country. So although South Africa is a rich country, because HIV affects such a large percentage of the population, it can use generic HIV meds, which are also substantially cheaper.

The cost for ARVs in private are on this web page from the Treatment Action Campaign.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zamani,

    If you live in South Africa, please contact the following org: https://www.tac.org.za/ They might be able to help you source ARVs in South Africa.

  2. Zamani

    I want to order ARVs online privately

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zintle,

    i-base are based in the UK. If you’ve issue with regards to treatment and being asked to pay for it you could contact the following org: https://www.tac.org.za/

  4. Zintle

    Hello I’ve been referred from the clinic to Dischem to fetch my treatment now I’m confused about the fact that will i pay at dischem or is it free also there?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Monica,

    If you live in South Africa your husband should be able to get ARVs for free. With regards to access, please contact the following South African organisation: https://www.tac.org.za/

  6. monica

    my husband is on arv now I have cancelled my medical aid so now he doesnot take his treatment am worried. can I buy over the counter for him and how much does it cost

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Papa,

    i-base are based in the UK, we don’t work in SA, therefore I’m not able to help with this question. The best org to contact is the following: https://www.tac.org.za/

  8. Papa


    I have a close friend who is positive and he has been getting treatment via his partner who works @ SANDF and now since he is moving from cape Town to soweto,

    I would like to check where can he get HIV meds for free around soweto please

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sydwell,

    I’m very sorry to hear your story.

    But please contact the Treatment Action Campaign at this contact link. They can give local support. You can explain that you’ve run out of meds.

  10. Sydwell

    Saidly saidly and saidly, I’m a positive patient collecting my medication from nu 9 Mdantsane clinic with a very sad painful grave policy of this clinic that tell patients not to come collect medication without being phoned by clinic otherwise, you’re turned back regardless.

    Is it not a polite way of telling a patient that, just go and die so long, like in my case, I ended up fell into that trap, now as I sit here, medication got finished but no call came my way so, what to do ?


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