Q and A


I'm HIV negative and my girfriend's positive. Can we have a baby?

I am dating a woman who is HIV positive and I love her with all my heart.
Now we want to start having kids.
What can I do, because I am HIV negative?


It is great that you love your girlfriend and plan to have children with her. Many sero-different couples (where one is HIV positive and the other is not), have had and continue to have healthy HIV negative babies.

There are a number of conception options available to a couple like you. These  depend on a number of factors including whether your girlfriend is taking ARVs (antiretroviral treatment for HIV).

A simple method which protects you from catching HIV is the Do-It-Yourself articificial insemination. This is a method if self insemination using a plastic syringe. Around the time of ovulation, you put your sperms as high as possible into your girlfriend’s vagina.(Ovulation takes place in the middle of your girlfriend’s cycle, about 14 days before her period).

Different clinics may recommend different methods. One way is to have protected intercourse with a spermicide-free condom. Another is for you to ejaculate into a container. In both cases, you or your girlfriend can then insert the sperm into her vagina.

For more detailed information on the above and other options available to you, please follow this link to our guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health. The guide also answers a lot of general questions you and your girlfriend may have around HIV and pregnancy.

Good luck with your future plans.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nozipho,

    Angelina answers a similar question here. As Angelina says, although it might be difficult for your brother’s girlfriend to learn she is HIV positive, it’s much better that she has found out now.

    Has your brother’s girlfriend started HIV treatment (ART) yet. Starting ART straight away is important to help reduce the viral load to undetectable at birth.

    How is she doing? Does she have support for herself and the baby? Here’s the guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health. Please make sure she has the info in this guide.

  2. Nozipho

    My brother’s girl friend is pregnant and she is 38 weeks by dates by sonar she is 38 weeks and 3days, and We have discovered that She is HIV positive and she did not tell Him about her HIV status, My brother said He tested negative , how possible is that?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mary,

    Please see Q’s 6, 9 and 14 here:http://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions

  4. Mary

    His am HIV but my boyfriend is negative we want to make bby pls tel me if the is any risk on it

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lerato,

    Reinfection can only be a problem if you and your partner are having trouble with your medication. When both of you are undetectable on treatment HIV cannot be transmitted. You can read more about undetectable = untransmittable here U=U.

  6. Lerato

    My viral load is not detected can i be reinfected if i dont use condom wen trying to have a child

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Mark,
    I am sorry that i-Base is not set up to be able to support a service that connects individuals to each other. You can read more about this answer here.

  8. Mark

    I’m hiv positive male looking for women who want to have kids. Where can I meet ladies who want to just have kids with a hiv positive man? My viral load is undetectable.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Moliehi,

    Reinfection is only really something to worry about if someone is having issues with there medication, and then the risks are very low. Therefore, if you’ve both fine with your medication there’s no reason why you can’t try for a baby naturally.

  10. Moliehi

    Hi,me and my boyfriend are hiv+ and on medication,we want to try for a baby,what can we do not to get reinfected?


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