Q and A


When will I start treatment?

I have found out that I am HIV positive. My CD4 count is 533 and viral load is 2400. How long will it take for me to start treatment?


Firstly, can I ask how you are coping with being newly diagnosed? Have you got anyone supporting you around this? Are you in touch with other HIV positive people? I ask because find it helpful to share experiences of coping with a new diagnosis.

With a CD4 count of 533 and a viral load of 2400, your immune system is  still  strong. There is therefore no immediate rush for you to start treatment. Both the BHIVA (British HIV Association) and the WHO (World Health Organisation) guidelines for treatment recommend starting with a CD4 cout of 350. In terms of viral load, most people start treatment with a viral load of 50,000-100,000 copies.

The time it takes for someone to start treatment after being diagnosed is different for individuals. Some people are known as fast progressors and need to start within a couple of years. About 70% of people take 5-8 years. Other people go for more than 10 years without getting ill and without needing treatment.

Being newly diagnosed and coping with HIV can be challenging for some people. However, many find it easier to cope with time. And it is not uncommon to start to think about when you will start treatment. However, in your case, your immune system is still very good. You therefore have plenty of time to get the information you need and to prepare for when you will eventually start.

With best wishes.


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