Q and A


Is it safe to conceive while taking Tribuss?

Hi. I’m currently on Tribuss. CD4 count is 347 viral load undectectable. My partner is negative!

Is it safe to be pregnant while taking such treatment?

And what are the chances of not infecting him? (My partner)


It’s great that you and your partner are looking to the future and planning to have a baby. Many sero-different couples have had and continue having health HIV negative babies.

Tribuss  contains the drugs efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir.  It is a combination that is now used by many HIV positive pregnant women worldwide. In the past, women wishing to conceive were advised not to use efavirenz, or to switch if they found out they were pregnant whilst taking it.

However, over the past few years, this advice has now changed. Here in the UK, the current UK guidelines for the management of HIV in pregnancy recommend that efavirenz can continue to be used by women considering pregnancy. They also recommend that efavirenz can be used by women diagnosed HIV positive during pregnancy.

There are many reports of women throughout the world who have continued taking efavirenz during pregnancy.

You also asked what the chances are of you not passing HIV onto your partner. Taking ARVs and having an undetectable viral load dramatically reduces the chances of you passing HIV to your partner.

However, in terms of conception, the options are much simpler and cheaper in a situation like yours.  Do-it-yourself artificial insemination (self insemination) using a plastic syringe carries no risk to your partner. This is a very safe way to protect him from HIV. Please follow this link to our guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health. It provides more detailed information on this method.

Good luck with your future plans.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ana,

    ARVs don’t have any impact on a womans fertility. If you’re having issues, please talk to a fertility specialist.

  2. Ana

    I was diagnosed with HIV when I was seven month pregnant with my second born, that was 2006, I was on Atripla. Since then I’m not able to get pregnant, is this related to the medication I was given?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Tshidi, Congratulations on your pregnancy. It’s a good idea to go to see the clinic soon and ask about your HIV treatment and checkups while you’re pregnant. Taking your meds can protect your health and your baby’s health. You can read more about HIV pregnancy and women’s health in this guide. You can contact Treatment Action Campaign for support.

  4. tshidi

    Hey I want to ask I’m hiv positive and 3 weeks pregnant I’ve been taking my arvs since 2016 so now I’m pregnant I want to Know when is it a right time to make checkups 4 the baby 2 be born without any virus or when should I start taking lamivudine?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Philile,

    ARVs aren’t know to cause fertility problems. Therefore, this is something that you will need to talk to your doctor about.

  6. Philile

    Hi I was diagnosed with efavirenz, lamivudine and stavudine on 2007 when I was pregnant with my first child, I’ve been trying to get pregnant again for four year, did the medication I took cause the fertility problem? I’m now on FDC treatment (atroiza) please help

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Vee,

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter.

    Even if you were diagnosed late, having meds and a C-section will have helped reduce the risk of transmission. Its also important that you gave your daughter nevaraprine. Have you been breastfeeding her, or bottle feeding? With regards to testing. Babies will always test positive if an antibody test is done. This is why tests should be done at intervals as the following link explains.


    What tests has she had done?

  8. vee

    Hi I would like to know was pregnant and find out I’m hiv+ when I was only left with 4days to deliver I took odimune and deliver the baby on seaserian I gave her nevarapine 6weeks and test her she was negative same month I did other test it came back positive what happened I don’t understand

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mum,

    i-base responds to questions that are directly related to, or linked to HIV. If you are having problems with conceiving then you will need to talk to a doctor.

  10. mum

    hey I wnt to conceive. I struggle to conceive


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