Q and A


Is Trustiva good enough?

I am HIV +ve. My CD4 is 310. I am using medications from 15 days. I use Trustiva. This is only one pill. My doctor says that it is enough. Is this is good or not? Please advice me.


Trustiva is a generic versions of Atripla. It is a single tablet containing three different drugs: FTC, tenofovir and efavirenz.

This is a very widely used combination. All guidelines have included these drugs as one of the recommended combinations for starting treatment. The different names depend on where you live.

This combination is the recommended first line therapy in the UK. It sounds like your doctor is giving you good advice.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Judy, HIV treatment is used to suppress HIV. Unfortunately HIV treatment does not cure HIV.

    It is great to hear that you have a high CD4 count and that your viral load is undetectable, but you will still test positive.

    HIV tests look for a cell called an antibody. This is a ‘memory’ cell that the body makes in response to an infection. Even when HIV is suppressed, these cells do not go away which is why the test is still positive.

    The combination you are taking is TLE. TLD would use dolutegravir instead of efavirenz.

  2. Judy

    Hi Josh,

    Thank u for ur response…I just wanna know if I do HIV test again using HIV test kit will I be still tested positive even my cd4 already high and I’m undetected also?
    And also the medication I’m taking a combination of Efavirenz, emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate is it TLE or TLD?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Judy, it is great that you are now starting medication. Unfortunately HIV medication should not be stopped. It is a lifelong treatment.

    HIV treatment does not cure HIV, instead it suppresses it. HIV treatment can stop HIV impacting on your health and allow you to have a healthy immune system, however if you stop HIV will stop being suppressed and will damage your immune system. It is safe to take this medication lifelong.

    More information about staring can be found here: https://i-base.info/guides/starting

  4. Judy

    Josh Peasegood after they tested me HIV positive I haven’t done any test again..but I’m starting taking medication for almost 2mos now.. already had my CD4 result which is 394 and my VL is 159000 other than that my overall examination is normal..so the doctor advice me to come back after 6mos while continue taking my medication. He also said maybe after my VL will suppressed he will stop my medication..will it be possible to stop taking the ARV if my Cd4 will become higher and my VL is undetected?


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