Q and A


Is Trustiva good enough?

I am HIV +ve. My CD4 is 310. I am using medications from 15 days. I use Trustiva. This is only one pill. My doctor says that it is enough. Is this is good or not? Please advice me.


Trustiva is a generic versions of Atripla. It is a single tablet containing three different drugs: FTC, tenofovir and efavirenz.

This is a very widely used combination. All guidelines have included these drugs as one of the recommended combinations for starting treatment. The different names depend on where you live.

This combination is the recommended first line therapy in the UK. It sounds like your doctor is giving you good advice.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Judy, having an abortion will not lead you to becoming HIV positive. Have you had an HIV test done previously?

    How are you doing since testing positive? and have you been able to access treatment?

  2. Judy

    Hi..I just wanna ask.. I just had my clinic abortion 3 weeks ago because I’m working I need to renew my visa and one of the test was HIV test and I am tested HIV positive..will it be possible to get an HIV positive result after abortion?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Queen,

    As the above post explains, Trustiva is a generic version of Atripla, so yes it’s more than OK to switch. This is because it has the same compounds.

  4. Queen

    Can a person who is taking atripla switch to trustiva

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Babu,

    Trustiva is a generic version of Atripla. Do you know if your partner was HIV positive and on HIV treatment?

    Please see this page about PEP. Trustiva is not recommended as PEP because of the low risk of serious reaction. Please can you ask the doctor if there are other PEP meds that you can switch to?

  6. Babu

    How many days to take Trustiva iam hiv negative but lost Saturday during anal sex condem was broken

  7. Simon Collins

    The i-Base website has lot of information about HIV and rsik in the FAQ page linked to the Q&A pages. Trustiva is a medicine but not a cure. Sometimes HIV meds are used to prevent HIV, but Trustiva is not usually recommended for this.

  8. RAVI

    I am HIV negative but in last sex I fear that my sex partner has HIV and after 34 hour I found a doctor who said Trustiva is a cure for HIV ..

  9. Charlotte Walker

    You will need to go to your HIV doctor to get a prescription for these medications. The cost will vary between different countries.

  10. Gurivi


    Please let me know, how much the Trustiva pill cost? and also please let me know the places where I can get these pills?



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