Q and A


Is my 7 year old child also HIV positive?

I found out about my status in 2011. My CD4 count was 531. Can my child who was born in 2005 also be infected?


Firstly can I ask how you are generally? Are you in touch with support groups for people living with HIV? Many find it useful to share experiences of living with HIV.

I can appreciate it must be worrying or you not knowing whether you passed HIV onto your baby. And in particular if you do not know if you were already HIV positive when you were pregnant.

Unfortunately, even though you have a good CD4 count, it does not tell you exactly how long you have been positive. I can appreciate too that the option you have will not be easy for you. However, the best way to find out if your child is positive, will be to have them tested for HIV.

That way you can confirm for sure and know what to do next. You will also be able to put your mind at ease.

You may find it useful to contact TAC (Treatment Action Campaign). TAC provide information and support for people living with HIV. They are based in South Africa and will be able to put you in contact with support groups near you.

Good luck.


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