Q and A


Can I change from lamzid & aluvia to Atripla?

I was taking aspen lamzid (AZT/3TC) and Aluvia (lopinavir/r),and now it turns out i have to take Atripla (efavirenz, FTC + tenofovir). Is is safe to do so? Won’t my body develop resistance towards the meds?



Thank-you for your email.

To answer your question I would need to know why you are changing medication.

If you are changing because you had virological failure- which means your viral load went up- then there is risk that you have resistance to some HIV medications, which may affect your use of Atripla. This is because resistance to AZT or 3TC can mean you also have resistance to FTC or tenofovir.

If you are changing for another reason, and have no resistance to AZT or 3TC, then it should be OK to switch.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    We’re happy to give treatment information for HIV, and we try to answer all comments. Unfortunately we’re not doctors so we can’t give you an answer. You could ask your HIV clinic if they’re able to refer you for help and advice.

  2. Rejoice

    Hi, I’m taking Aluvia and Zovilan twice a day. I want to know if I can conceive without menstruating because I haven’t had my period for more than three years now.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi – this might be a side effect of efavirenz called gynaecomasits.

    Efavirenz is one of the drugs in Aluvia.

    Please talk to your doctor about this.

    This link has more information for you to also take with you to your doctor:

  4. bongi

    Hi guys am talking aluvia hey my breast is growing day by day and my legs became tiny my structure has changed

  5. Simon Collins


    Please talk to your doctor about the times you forget. Without more information about your results and treatment it is difficult to comment.

    HIV meds and the antibiotics are not available in one pill, so you will need to continues weigh several pills – but this is good for your health.

  6. bilha

    hi,im takin aluvia,tenofovir Disoproxil fumarate and sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim tablets,i sometimes 4get to take the drugs the whole day continously but my CD4 still went up from 400-550,can it still cause resistance(2)can i change this to a once a day drug plz

  7. Robin Jakob


    Unfortunately you have to take aluvia twice a day. You should tell your clinic that you are worried about defaulting on your meds. You could ask them if they have a different combination available that you only have to take once a day.

  8. Yolisa

    Hi! I am taking aluvia 2 times a day,every thing is fine viral is undetectable and CD4 count is improving from 5 to 450 now, I just want to know if I can take aluvia once a day because of my job. I’m worried I will end up defaulting my meds because when its time I am always busy at work, I work by shifts. Thank you! I look forward hearing from you.

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi there, so I can answer your question more accurately please can you give be a bit more information? Can you tell me which three ARVs you are taking? And when you say that your viral load has increased what was it before, and what is it now?

  10. luvuyo

    Good day .
    please tell me if you have a resistance or your viral load has gone up what can i take to supplement the 3TC


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