Q and A


Can I take omega-3 and multivitamins with ARVs?

Is it ok to take omega-3 fish oil whilst also taking Sustiva and Truvada?

Would it be ok to take a multivitamin like Centum?

Qhat about rooibos tea and green tea?


You are right to check any interactions with ARVs first.

In these examples, all are fine to take with any ARV combination.

Omega-3 can reduce tryglcerides (and cholesterol to a lesser extent) and can reduce risk of heart disease when diet changes haven’t rediced these to target levels.

Multivitamins are fine too are green tea and rooibos tea.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Kakarot,

    Fat loss is no longer reported with modern HIV treatment. This is a side affect that was associated with older HIV drugs d4T and AZT. Please see this guide to fat loss for more info.

    What HIV meds are you taking? And do you have access to your CD4 count and viral load results?

    A balanced diet can help you get all the vitamins and minerals you need. There’s a lot of info in the guide to a balanced diet and your health.

    If you decide to take vitamins and supplements please tell your doctor because they can interact with some HIV meds.

  2. Kakarot

    My face gets thin because of taking arv for a long time is there a good vitamins supplements that can help to make my face a little bit cheeky same as my thighs legs and arms

    Please I need some help

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Gugu,

    What ARVs are you taking? It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor about taking vitamin and mineral supplements. Some supplements can interact with certain ARVs. Zinplex looks as though it has zinc and selenium in it. Generally this should be okay, but please check with your doctor.

  4. Gugu

    Can I take 3 in 1 ARV with zinplex selenium booster?

  5. Lisa Thorley


    What ARVs are you taking? What prenatal vitamins are you wanting to use?


    can take prenatal vitamins if i am on ARV medication my cd4 count is 285 pls help me

  7. Bridget

    Is it alright to take intavita in combination with ARVs?

  8. Lisa Thorley
  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Grace,
    Garlic in food is fine, so if you cook with it there isn’t a problem. But garlic oil interacts with some ARVs, for example efavirenz in Atripla (Tribuss or Odimune). It’s a good idea to tell your doctor if you are taking any supplements. Different supplements can interact with different ARVs.

  10. Grace

    Is it o.k. to take Garlic while on Arvs?
    Coz i heard that it’s not good to take Garlic while on Arvs,so which is which


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