Q and A


Can I take omega-3 and multivitamins with ARVs?

Is it ok to take omega-3 fish oil whilst also taking Sustiva and Truvada?

Would it be ok to take a multivitamin like Centum?

Qhat about rooibos tea and green tea?


You are right to check any interactions with ARVs first.

In these examples, all are fine to take with any ARV combination.

Omega-3 can reduce tryglcerides (and cholesterol to a lesser extent) and can reduce risk of heart disease when diet changes haven’t rediced these to target levels.

Multivitamins are fine too are green tea and rooibos tea.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Vivian, it isa safe to take these. As with most supplements it is best to take them on the opposite end of the day to your ARVs. e.g., if your ARVs are taken at 8am, take these super appetite pills at 8pm. This just helps to make sure there are no interactions.

  2. Vivian

    Is it safe to take super apitate pills,when on arvs?? Cos since I started arvs,I don’t eat well and I don’t sleep well,so am now using super apitate pills to eat well,is it safe?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Uche, yes you can do this. There is no interaction when you take them in split doses as you have suggested.

  4. Uche

    Can i take wellman suppliment in the morning and my drug at night?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Precious, congratulations on your pregnancy. Yes it is safe to take Atroiza and omega. Doing so will keep both you and bay healthy and prevent transmission.

  6. Precious

    Hi my name is precious I am on atroiza and pregnant at the same time is it safe for me and the baby to take preg omega plus because I want to do the right thing …
    Thank in advance

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Esther, yes. It is safe to take your combination of HIV treatment with omega 3 fatty acid.

  8. Esther

    Hi am on dolutegravir, lamivudine,Tenofovir,disoproxil and fumarate can I take omega 3 fatty acid?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Victor, it is safe to take both of these.

    Are you taking Atroiza and then zinc and vitamin C 5 hours later?

  10. Victor

    Hi Simon is it ok to take zinc while I am
    on atroiza, I take atroiza then take zinc and vitamin c 5 hours apart.


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