Q and A


Can we have a negative baby?

Can we have a negative baby in a normal way? Me and my partner are both +ve and not on meds yet.


Yes, you can have a negative baby and the way your partner conceives does not paly any role at all whether your baby will be positive or negative.

The most important factor whether your baby will be born positive or negative is the viral load of the mother during the pregnancy and especially during labour. That is why it is important that she is on medications that will reduce her viral load to undetectable at the time of labour.

If you are sure that you have the same viral strain and have already practiced unprotected sex, then there is no danger of either of you getting reinfected with a different viral strain.

You can find some very detailed information on your options in the i-Base booklet ‘HIV, pregnancy and women’s health’: http://www.i-base.info/guides/pregnancy/index.html