Q and A


When shall I expect the side effects to start?

Could you please tell me how long it takes ARV drugs to ‘kick-in’? I have been taking efavirenz and Truvada for three weeks (starting from a very low CD4 count of 18) and while having received dire warnings about side effects from the pharmacist I don’t appear to have experienced any negative side effects, I am not sure what to expect.


I think you should consider yourself lucky and not worry about side effects. If they were to appear at all, then they most probably would have done so by now. Not everybody experiences side effects. Many people, however, think that they will and that is a very common misunderstanding.

In fact, if side effects appear at all, they are mild to moderate and soon subside and disappear. Only in rare cases they are very strong and reduce the quality of life of the person to an extent where a switch is necessary. I have to admit that those cases exist though.

There is some detailed information on efavirenz side effects here.

More importantly, you will need to concentrate on your adherence to treatment now as it is of great importance to do it right this time, as you have started with a fairly low CD4 count and it may take some time until you see a proper increase. I am sure that it will happen though.

Wishing you good luck and all the best!


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