Q and A


I’m 5 months pregnant, should I start ARVs?

I tested positive this month and I’m 5 months pregnant.

My question is can I start ARVs soon to protect my baby? My CD4 count is 319


Thanks for your email.

I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Finding out you have HIV is never easy, but finding out when you are pregnant can be very difficult. How are you coping?

Starting treatment now is a good idea for both your health, and for your baby. This is explained here in our pregnancy guide.

We have an frequently asked questions page about pregnancy. Please read through these questions, and let me know if you have anything you want to ask!


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gee, congratulations on your pregnancy. It is great that you shave started treatment. This is the best and safest way to keep both you and baby healthy. As you are starting treatment still early in your pregnancy it reduces the risk of HIV transmission. Baby will also be given their own course of medication after being born – the time of medication will depend on your viral load at birth: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/infant-meds-when-the-mother-is-living-with-hiv

    Many HIV positive women all over the world go on to have healthy, HIV negative children. Taking medication makes the risk of transmission very small and it is now very rare for people to be born with HIV.

  2. Gee

    Hello guys, i tested positive on week 19 of pregnancy and started taking Arv’s on that week, please i would like to know if my child will be completely protected?


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