Q and A


I’m 5 months pregnant, should I start ARVs?

I tested positive this month and I’m 5 months pregnant.

My question is can I start ARVs soon to protect my baby? My CD4 count is 319


Thanks for your email.

I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Finding out you have HIV is never easy, but finding out when you are pregnant can be very difficult. How are you coping?

Starting treatment now is a good idea for both your health, and for your baby. This is explained here in our pregnancy guide.

We have an frequently asked questions page about pregnancy. Please read through these questions, and let me know if you have anything you want to ask!


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Eliza, congratulations on your pregnancy. Now that you have started medication you are giving your baby the best chance of being negative. Many women find out about their status late into pregnancy and go on to have healthy, HIV negative babies. When born baby will have their own medication for a while and this will further reduce the risk of transmission.

  2. Eliza

    Hello,am 4 months pregnant and texted for HIV positive,and started taking arvs.will my child be safe from HIV?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi, congratulations on your pregnancy. Have you started medication? This is how risk is reduced for your baby. There will also be medication they can take after birth to further reduce the risk. While you are starting medication you can transmit HIV if you do not use a condom. However, one your viral load is undetectable, sex without a condom is perfectly safe. Would your boyfriend consider taking PrEP in the meantime, these a pills to prevent HIV transmission from someone who currently isn’t undetectable.

  4. brriiilliant

    i have tested positive im 5 month pregnant and my boyfriend always wants us to have unprotected sex ,and he doesnt take pills im worried about me and my baby

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anonymous,

    When a positive women is pregnant, it’s important that they engage with ART.

    It’s the ART that will reduce the risk of transmission to your baby. There’s info about this in this guide:


    If you haven’t started ARVs yet, you’ll need to. There’s info about this here:


  6. Anonymous

    I’m 4months pregnant and I tested positive I want to know my baby is safe?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anonymous,

    You still have time to get your viral load to undetectable levels, you’re going to need to engage in treatment. It’s important to that you adhere to your medication. There’s more information about that here:


  8. Anonymous

    I am 3 months pregnant and hiv positive…have not taken ARV’s for 2 months..is my unborn child also infected

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ntsiki,

    How are you doing? Are you able to get any support?
    If you’re been testing negative during your pregnancy and now it’s positive, this would imply that your infection is new. Have you had any risks?
    If you don’t think the test could be right, you’ll need to have another one. You should also have a viral load and CD4 count test.

    If you are positive, you’ve already started doing the best thing possible for you and your baby, you’re using ARVs.

    When someone is pregnant, it’s ARVs that reduce the risk of transmission to a baby. For more info, please see here: https://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

    Even women who’ve been diagnosed late in pregnancy can have negative children, the key is medication as well as good care.

  10. Ntsiki

    Am almost six month pregnant and I found out yesterday that an HIV positive I started taking the arv yesterday nyt is my baby protected frm the virus because I was testing negative since frm my first prenatal appointment but today I yesterday I tested positive is my baby safe


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