
I haven’t told my husband I am positive.

I’m Hiv positive and I’m very strong and accepted my status. My CD4 count is 378 n I’m pregnant. I started treatment AZT.

No-one knows that I’m positive, only my doctor. Even my husband doesn’t knpw our status. What I told myself is the time will come to tell him “let’s go test for HIV”.

I think going at the right time is much better. HIV its not killing, you just need to be strong.



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Although it’s good that you feel strong about finding out you are HIV positive it’s important that your husband gets tested.

You cannot know if your husband is positive without him having a test. If he is negative he may want to use condoms so that he doesn’t get infected.

If he is positive it’s important that he gets his CD4 count checked. Everybody has different responses to HIV and your husband may have a lower CD4 count than you. If he is positive without knowing there is a risk of him becoming ill if he doesn’t get treatment when he needs it.

Telling people you have HIV can be very difficult, especially telling your sexual partners. If you are worried about how your husband will react it’s important to get support to help you deal with this. Your doctor may be able to put you in touch with other positive women who can help you. Because you are in South Africa you may also want to contact the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC). They may be able to put you in touch with a support organisation or other positive people in your area.


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