Q and A


What should I expect from starting Odimune?

I have been positive for 14 years without any complications, nothing.

A few months ago, I had some tingling started around my eyes and then a rash (not severe).

I decided it was time for treatment, visited the doctor, did the necessary tests (CD4 = 247) and (viral load = 12,000 copies).

Treatment regime = Odimune.

I researched this and am scared. Please explains what happens from here on with regards to HIV progression to AIDS, and what does odimune exactly do? Apart from the doc explains?


Odimune contains three HIV medications – efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir. It is a generic version of Atripla. This link has more information about this combination.

This is a very effective treatment combination that is very widely used.  It is recommended in many countries including the UK, USA and South Africa for first line treatment.

Although it’s normal to be concerned when starting treatment this is the only way to stay well in the long term. When you start treatment your viral load will go down very quickly. Your CD4 count will increase over time.

Without treatment your body is vulnerable to infections, and eventually to AIDS progression.  But by starting treatment your immune system will get stronger. With treatment the life expectancy for people with HIV is about the same as for HIV negative people.

For more information about starting treatment please see our Introduction to combination therapy guide.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lungile,

    Both atrozia and odimune are generics versions of Atripla. Please see here for more info:


    Therefore, they contain the same ingredients. This meaning that you shouldn’t have any side effects.

  2. Lungile

    I started ART in September. I’ve been taking atroiza. Now they gave me odimune. I’m afraid it will cause side effects, side effects that I never had. Is it the same thing?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thandi,

    Having problems sleeping is a common side effect when beginning ARVs that contain efavirenz. They usually go within 2-4 weeks. For more info please see the following:


  4. Thandi

    Am 38 my CD4 count is 200. I’ve been taking odimune now for 2 weeks. I can’t sleep at night, I’m always bloated. I’m also being treated for TB. What’s happening to me?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lindiwe,

    All the meds that you have taken are generic versions of Atripla. They all do exactly the same thing as they all contain the same ingredients. Please see the following link:

    If you’re still having headaches, this is something that you should talk to your doctor about. They may be able to change your meds to one that doesn’t contain efavirenz.

    With regards to the vitamins that you’ve been given, they aren’t known to help with nerves.

  6. lindiwe

    hello when I first started my treatment they gave me tribuss then atenef and now odimune I know there genetic but what’s there difference what impact do they have for me and my day to day leaving? its been months since I suffered from headache when will they stop and I was given vitamin b comp for my nerves will it help?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ntombi,

    Odimune is a generic version of Atripla, please see:


    To reduce possible side effects its recommended that it be taken at night. Are you taking it at night, or during the day? Side effects, though sometimes really uncomfortable should go within a few weeks. If they don’t, or they are too much you will need to talk to your doctor.

  8. Ntombi

    I recently started odimune 5 days ago. On the first night I felt like I was a having stroke. Now i have blood red and painful eyes. I couldn’t close them yesterday and would hallucinate with my eyes closed. What should I do.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi mapule,

    Its great that haven’t had any side effects, because quit a lot of people do. It means that you’re lucky, so enjoy.

  10. mapule

    I found out I was diagnosed with hiv april 2016 and my docter recommended odimune.they don’t even have side effect nothing. does that mean my body is strong or they working well


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