Q and A


What should I expect from starting Odimune?

I have been positive for 14 years without any complications, nothing.

A few months ago, I had some tingling started around my eyes and then a rash (not severe).

I decided it was time for treatment, visited the doctor, did the necessary tests (CD4 = 247) and (viral load = 12,000 copies).

Treatment regime = Odimune.

I researched this and am scared. Please explains what happens from here on with regards to HIV progression to AIDS, and what does odimune exactly do? Apart from the doc explains?


Odimune contains three HIV medications – efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir. It is a generic version of Atripla. This link has more information about this combination.

This is a very effective treatment combination that is very widely used.  It is recommended in many countries including the UK, USA and South Africa for first line treatment.

Although it’s normal to be concerned when starting treatment this is the only way to stay well in the long term. When you start treatment your viral load will go down very quickly. Your CD4 count will increase over time.

Without treatment your body is vulnerable to infections, and eventually to AIDS progression.  But by starting treatment your immune system will get stronger. With treatment the life expectancy for people with HIV is about the same as for HIV negative people.

For more information about starting treatment please see our Introduction to combination therapy guide.


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Tgal,
    I am glad to hear that your side effects have improved. Can you check the name of the medications you are using? Sustiva is the brand name for efavirenz- the drug you said you thought you had stopped taking. Please see this page about efavirenz which shows the brand-name and a picture of this. It may have been that these symptoms were related to something else, or that they improved after the first period of treatment. The three drugs you say you are using, though, are the same three drugs in Atripla.

  2. tgal

    I found out I was positive in 2011 not that I was sick I just went and check as I liked to test my status every year then in 2011 I found out that my cd4 was 250 and then they just put me on medication there and there which was atripla, omg I couldnt sleep with nightmares and my feet sore, had to wake up at night scrathing them then I went and see my doc she told me its the efavirenz which was in the atripla which doesnt work with other people my skin like heels and my fingers became too black then she changed me to lamuvidine sustiva and tenofovir and after a year all the blackness has gone Im back to normal and perfect, sometimes its that one pill which doesnt work with you so please tell your doc dont be afraid its your life, I will never use efavirenz mind u my cd4 count now is 430 and good diet is important not forgetting the gym, I go to gym 6 times a day and I fit as a fiddle and I will be around for a long long time, Good lock folks

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Cina,
    Although it is not a good idea to miss doses there is still a good chance that Odimune will continue to work for you. It’s important that you get your viral load checked within the next month or two to make sure that it has not increased. It’s also a good idea to discuss this with your doctor and supplier to develop a plan to make sure this doesn’t happen again. If this is because of a stock out at your clinic please report this to http://stockouts.org/

  4. Cina

    Please help what wll happen if I did not take ODIMUNE for more than three day. The problm is my supplier did nt supply my medication in time… At present my CD4 is 380 nd Viral load is below 50 from 145000. Its only 6months ihave be using ODIMUNE and ATIVOVITE. PLEASE ADVICE

  5. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Conny,
    It’s great to hear from you again- I’m glad to hear that you have started treatment and are doing so well!

  6. conny

    I have started taking my pill a month ago and with no side effects at all!

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Blessing,
    It is important that if you are having very difficult side effects you should talk to your doctor. It is normal to have side effects in the first few weeks of treatment and these usually improve with time. But if you are worried or considering stopping treatment you should speak to the doctor. It is important that you do not stop treatment without talking to the doctor.

    What is the name of the medications you have been given?

  8. Blessing

    i was diagnosed 14years ago and refused to take treatment because i had all the negative things about it, man growing boobs, woman having flat bum, big tummy and large breasts etc. My viral load was rec at 132189 with the CD4 of 95. I have since got shingles mouth sores and cellulitis. My Docto advised i go on medication. I did today being my 3rd night. I fell so awful its like theres fire coming up my throat, im so wrestless. I have not had a nigh of rest since i started. It gives me tummy aches, my mouth dries up, my appetite does not exist. I want to know if this is normal. Im frustrated and even scared when it gets late. I would like to adhere but the pains im feeling are beyond management and im considering to stop them. Help plese

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Katlego,
    It’s important that your boyfriend shows this rash to his doctor or nurse. It is quite normal to get a rash when starting Odimune. Usually this will improve after a few weeks but there is a small chance that this could be serious so it’s important to see a doctor.

  10. Katlego

    My boyfriend just started taking Odimune and he is developing a rash from it will this side-effect eventually go away?


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