Q and A


What should I expect from starting Odimune?

I have been positive for 14 years without any complications, nothing.

A few months ago, I had some tingling started around my eyes and then a rash (not severe).

I decided it was time for treatment, visited the doctor, did the necessary tests (CD4 = 247) and (viral load = 12,000 copies).

Treatment regime = Odimune.

I researched this and am scared. Please explains what happens from here on with regards to HIV progression to AIDS, and what does odimune exactly do? Apart from the doc explains?


Odimune contains three HIV medications – efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir. It is a generic version of Atripla. This link has more information about this combination.

This is a very effective treatment combination that is very widely used.  It is recommended in many countries including the UK, USA and South Africa for first line treatment.

Although it’s normal to be concerned when starting treatment this is the only way to stay well in the long term. When you start treatment your viral load will go down very quickly. Your CD4 count will increase over time.

Without treatment your body is vulnerable to infections, and eventually to AIDS progression.  But by starting treatment your immune system will get stronger. With treatment the life expectancy for people with HIV is about the same as for HIV negative people.

For more information about starting treatment please see our Introduction to combination therapy guide.


  1. Porcia

    I started the treatment about a week ago, and I’ve got a rash. It’s not much but I’m very worried. What must I do? I’m scared.

  2. Robin Jakob


    It’s good that you don’t have any side effects. If you usually eat a low fat meal this shouldn’t make much of a difference to your Odimune levels. It is only high fat food that does this.

  3. lisa

    I started taking these pills last week and I don’t have any side effects at all, but I have to take them immediately after my meal.

  4. Robin Jakob


    It is normal to be scared when you first get diagnosed. HIV is not the same illness it used to be though. With treatment people who have HIV can live long and healthy lives now.

    If you haven’t gotten used to you pill you can always talk to your doctor. Odimue contains three different medications that the doctor might give you separately. These will be smaller.

    It is important that you do not crush or break your Odimune. This might affect the way it works.

  5. annonomous

    I just received these Odimune pills from my clinic, I just found out about my stats and i am scared to death. They look too big to swallow.

  6. Robin Jakob


    The kind of side effects you describe are often linked to Odimune. If they have not gotten better you could talk to your clinic or doctor. They can tell you if they have the medication available.

    2015/12/29 at 1:52 pm

  7. Tshidi

    I started Oddimune on 27th November 2015 and I didn’t sleep, I was too dizzy. I dont even like food like before. Is this normal?

  8. Tlove

    Since I have started this pills I vomit, how is it going to take for my body to get used to it

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Nahabi

    The side effects you report are pretty common with Odimune – especiall when you first start. Hopefully this will get easier over the next few weeks.

    It is not good to taken Odimune at the same time as your evening meal. Much better to take it an hour or two afterwards – or to eat a little earlier.

  10. Nthabi

    started taking odimune lastnyt n had no side effects but in the morning I couldn’t wake up as I was dizzy without appetite n not my usual self my body was tired like I was running all night,it continued the whole morning n I felt better @ 14:30 is dis normal?another question is it ok to take it @ 9pm immediately after my meals as 8 is too early?


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