Q and A


Can I take Viagra with ARVs?

Is it safe to take prescribed Viagra (not the stuff you buy off the internet) with ARVs?


Thank-you for your email.

To check for interactions I would need to know which ARVs you are taking. Please let me know, or go to HIV-Druginteractions.org to check this.

Generally it is safe to take Viagra with ARVs. Some ARVs may affect the concentration of Viagra that your body absorbs. If you are taking a combination which includes ritonavir levels of Viagra may be higher. Alternatively if you are taking efavirenz levels of Viagra may be lower than normal.

For this reason it’s important to discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist to get the most accurate information according to your ARV treatment.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cider,

    Have you talked to your doctor about this problem?

    Please see this guide to sexual health and quality of life. As you can see there can be many reasons for erectile dysfunction. And there are a number of treatment for it.

    However, the tadalafil dose may be reduced when taking nevirapine which is one of the drugs in Triomune 30.

    But please can you talk to the doctor about your ARVs? Triomune 30 contains d4T which is no longer used here in the UK because of side effects. So it’s a good idea to check with your doctor. There might be more modern ARVs that will be easier for you to take.

  2. Cider

    I am HIV Positive and on ARV’s ( Triomune 30 ). I am currently on a undetectable level of the virus. The ARV’s are successful with me.

    I however experience erectile dysfunction when needed most. can I take Tadalafil which is cialis based for my problem. Will there be any side effects. I do not have any other health problems.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lengwe,

    You being on Atripla won’t be the reason why you’re experiencing erectile dysfunction. Please see here for more info: http://i-base.info/qa/449

  4. Lengwe

    Good morning. Kindly help me. I am experiencing erectyle dysfunction. I HIV positive and am on atripla with bp free. What medication can correct this problem?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Brett,
    There is not a potential interaction between Viagra and the drugs in PrEP. So it sounds okay to take them both. Here’s a link to the HIV drug interactions website – it has an interaction checker that also comes as an App.

  6. BRETT

    Is it safe to use Viagra while i am taking prep . I’m Hiv negitive

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Alex,

    There is a possible risk of a drug interaction between the efavirenz and the viagra as the following explains:


    However, as the report explains, the risk is very low. If you are thinking about using viagra I’d discuss this first with your doctor.

  8. Alex paul

    Hi i’M taking efavirenz…can i use viagra with?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Edmond, your doctor should be able to prescribe Viagra if you need it. Some countries let people buy viagra without a prescription, but this is somethign to ask a pharmacist about. The drug is commonly available in all countries. It shouldn’t need a letter saying you are positive. Please ask in any pharmacy.

  10. Edmond

    I want ths viagra coz im lack in bed im using ARVs im here in Gauteng. where can i get the viagra here and in which chemist? is it neccesary for me to bring a doctor letter tht tell im hiv positive?


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