Q and A


Can I take Viagra with ARVs?

Is it safe to take prescribed Viagra (not the stuff you buy off the internet) with ARVs?


Thank-you for your email.

To check for interactions I would need to know which ARVs you are taking. Please let me know, or go to HIV-Druginteractions.org to check this.

Generally it is safe to take Viagra with ARVs. Some ARVs may affect the concentration of Viagra that your body absorbs. If you are taking a combination which includes ritonavir levels of Viagra may be higher. Alternatively if you are taking efavirenz levels of Viagra may be lower than normal.

For this reason it’s important to discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist to get the most accurate information according to your ARV treatment.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tochi,

    Yes it’s OK to take the ARVs that you’re taking with viagra, there won’t be an interaction.

  2. Tochi

    Hey i take lamivudine can i take levitra or viagra?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sean,

    Yes it’s OK to take viagra of cialis whilst taking Biktarvy, there won’t be any interactions.

  4. Sean

    Hey can I take viagra or cialis while I’m on Biktarvy ?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dlomo,

    There won’t be an interaction between your ARVs and the viagra.

  6. Dlomo

    I wish to take Viagra since am using TLD Art tablets, it’s just that am not sure of side effects

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Neko,

    African viagra is a root used as herbal tonic. Please talk to your doctor if you’re taking any supplemnts like this. It’s a good idea to check this first before taking them just in case there’s an interaction with your HIV meds.

    Please see this page on overall quality of life for lots of info on sexual health.

  8. Neko

    Hello,I am asking, I’m on medication called Trenvir, I want to take African Viagra called Bangalala. Any advise

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jeremy,

    No there isn’t any interaction between DTG and viagra.

  10. Jeremy

    Hello there..is there any interference between DTG and viagra


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