Q and A


Can I take Viagra with ARVs?

Is it safe to take prescribed Viagra (not the stuff you buy off the internet) with ARVs?


Thank-you for your email.

To check for interactions I would need to know which ARVs you are taking. Please let me know, or go to HIV-Druginteractions.org to check this.

Generally it is safe to take Viagra with ARVs. Some ARVs may affect the concentration of Viagra that your body absorbs. If you are taking a combination which includes ritonavir levels of Viagra may be higher. Alternatively if you are taking efavirenz levels of Viagra may be lower than normal.

For this reason it’s important to discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist to get the most accurate information according to your ARV treatment.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jenna, yes it is safe to take Sildenafil while on Vulanate. There is no interaction between these medications.

  2. Jenna

    Is it safe to take Cobra 200 the yellow tablet(Sildenafil Citrate) while on Vulante(TLD)(300MG, 300MG, 50MG)

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Josan, as mentioned in the main question I would need to know the name of the ARVs you are taking. Sindenafil citrate and Viagra are the same drug.

  4. Josan

    Hi there, can I take sindenafil citrate while on arvs?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Michael, what is the name of the HIV meds you are taking?

  6. Michael

    Is there any danger on taking sensegra oral jelly while on hiv drugs?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Chris, what ART and what sexual enhancement drugs are you/do you want to take?

  8. Chris

    I just want to know if taking any sexual enhancement drugs while on HIV or ART drugs will have any effect on the functionality of the ART drugs.

    Thank you.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bill,

    There’s a slight chance that there could be an interaction between your meds and viagra as noted here:


    You may wish to speak to your doctor about this.

  10. Bill

    Is it safe to take genvoya and viagra


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