Q and A


In what range do you think my viral load is?

I have known my HIV status for 14 months now. My first CD4 count was 1073, then after 4 months 822 and after 6 months 1227. Am using Aluwe immune system solutions aloe vera supplements. I have noticed that you have discouraged using supplements in some cases. My main concern is that currently in our country we have only two centres that are able to check for viral load. Is it poosible my viral load has gone up as well and what are the implications or I can only rely on my CD4 count as of now.

Thanks for this wonderful web site. You have really encourage me and have come to accept my status.

God bless you for the good works.


You are right, we discourage people using supplements when they believe that the supplements will fight over the HIV-infection or when they believe that the supplements will cure them. Apart from that, when used for general health improvement supplements, vitamins, etc. can be very useful.

Your CD4 count results are really great and they indicate that your immune system is fairly intact at the moment. Many guidelines would use the CD4 count as an indicator of when to start ARVs. Some of them, however, will also mention a VL>100 000 and clinical manifestations as well. That is why it makes sense to attempt to have a VL result at some point in the future.

VL also depends on the time from infection. Its development over time is very well explained here. If you follow the link, you will be able also to guess-estimate what the probable range of your VL is.


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