Q and A


Does PEP have side effects?


I am confused with PEP treatment, specifically about the side effects.

From sexual health charities I hear that PEP treatment can cause occasional side effects which may or may not go over the 28 days treatment. Another one (THT) says that the side effects are extreme and about 1 in 5 people on PEP stop taking it as a result.

The sexual health nurse said that side effects on PEP are very common and are severe.

I’ve heard from 3 people who have had PEP and they said that they didn’t get any side effects.

What’s the official line on PEP and side effects? I thought that PEP usually uses recommended triple therapy, using drugs that are well tolerated. Is the conflicting information I am receiving due to outdated data or current data?

Thank you for any clarity you provide.


All meds have some risk of side effects, but for PEP this risk is usually low. If side effects do occur, they are usually mild.

This depends on the meds used in the PEP combination.

In the UK in 2018, the PEP combination is usually raltegravir plus a combined pill with tenofovir DF/emtricitabine, which generally causes very few side effects, if any.

Even general side effects like nausea, diarrhoea and tiredness are not experienced by most people.

If mild side effects occur, they usually get easier after the first week or two as your body adjusts.

PEP that contains a drug called efavirenz is not recommended in the UK, though is used in some countries where there is less choice for HIV drugs. Efavirenz has a higher risk of side effects including mood changes and vivid dreams.

Discontinuation rates for PEP are often not very good. Studies of health workers who are exposed with a needle-stick injury report many people stop before the full month of treatment.

Note: This answer was updated in February 2018 from a question first posted online in June 2009.


  1. Vinkal

    Hi, I gave cunnilingus us to a massage girl few daya back. When I consulted a doctor he prescribed me PEP as 72 hours had not passed.
    However, I am reading on internet that Cunnilingus does not pass HIV to men and am reading guidelines which suggest that it is not recommended.
    Can some please clarify if I should continue PEP as I am reading that there are severe side effects of PEP and dont want to take it if it is not requirrd.
    I have had PEP for 2 days now and have had no side effects till now except some tingling sensaation in the feet and some sweating.

  2. Roy Trevelion

    If you think you’ve been exposed to HIV it’s a good idea to take PEP for the 28 days of treatment.

    Unfortunately we don’t have resources to answer questions on testing and transmission. Most questions about transmission and testing have been answered here:

  3. patrick

    Hi, today begun to take pep and experiencing lots of problem, i have thought to stop it since the partner didnt trust is confirmed unreactive what i do plz kindly advice..
    Becouse i risky perhaps there was previous risky move with another boy

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Harriet,

    You can call the clinic and describe the rash to them. They can tell you if a doctor needs to look at the rash to find out what’s causing it.

    PEP is normally used for 28 days, so have you finished the course now? After a course of PEP you need to wait 28 days before testing for HIV. This is because PEP can delay infection.

  5. Harriet

    Its now 29 days since pep enrollment. Am facing it rough with itchy skin rashes around my neck and upper limbs. Could this be side effects of the drug or serocovertion. Am worried. Kindly advise me on the way forward

  6. Simon Collins

    Hi Cyan, I am sorry you had trouble. What was the names of the drugs? It might be that the PEP used older drugs. Many people don’t finish the course even though these are generally the same medicines that HIV positive people take every day.

  7. Cyan

    I myself have taken PEP twice for a period of 28 days. First time side effects were extreme. I would wake up and vomit everything i at but i pulled myself together and finished treatment. The second time i stopped at day 5 they got me so sick i couldn’t continue taking them.

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Harriet. What are the names of your PEP drugs?

  9. harriet

    Yesterday night was my worst night after starting on PEP. i never concentrated with a lot of bad dreams. right now this morning am feeling dizzy and weak.
    kindly any one should advise me

  10. Roy Trevelion

    I’m so sorry for the delay in replying to your comment.

    It’s not a good idea to stop taking PEP because this can stop it working. It’s important to take the whole course of treatment.

    Getting yellow eyes is a common side effect of atazanvir. Is this one of the drugs included in your PEP? When related to atazanvir this side effect (of higher levels of bilirubin) is not damaging your body.

    It’s important to talk to the clinic about these symptoms to make sure they are related to this drug. Other illnesses can cause yellowing of the eyes and jaundice, and you can discuss this with your doctor and also talk about the dizziness.

    You can find out more about atazanavir and bilirubin from this previous question.


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