Q and A


Does PEP have side effects?


I am confused with PEP treatment, specifically about the side effects.

From sexual health charities I hear that PEP treatment can cause occasional side effects which may or may not go over the 28 days treatment. Another one (THT) says that the side effects are extreme and about 1 in 5 people on PEP stop taking it as a result.

The sexual health nurse said that side effects on PEP are very common and are severe.

I’ve heard from 3 people who have had PEP and they said that they didn’t get any side effects.

What’s the official line on PEP and side effects? I thought that PEP usually uses recommended triple therapy, using drugs that are well tolerated. Is the conflicting information I am receiving due to outdated data or current data?

Thank you for any clarity you provide.


All meds have some risk of side effects, but for PEP this risk is usually low. If side effects do occur, they are usually mild.

This depends on the meds used in the PEP combination.

In the UK in 2018, the PEP combination is usually raltegravir plus a combined pill with tenofovir DF/emtricitabine, which generally causes very few side effects, if any.

Even general side effects like nausea, diarrhoea and tiredness are not experienced by most people.

If mild side effects occur, they usually get easier after the first week or two as your body adjusts.

PEP that contains a drug called efavirenz is not recommended in the UK, though is used in some countries where there is less choice for HIV drugs. Efavirenz has a higher risk of side effects including mood changes and vivid dreams.

Discontinuation rates for PEP are often not very good. Studies of health workers who are exposed with a needle-stick injury report many people stop before the full month of treatment.

Note: This answer was updated in February 2018 from a question first posted online in June 2009.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Kevy,

    The short answer is I don’t know if 6 days PEP is effective in your case. But if your doctor switched you to Livolin forte, did they think that you’d had a very low risk? Livolin forte is a vitamin supplement.

    However, it’s recommended that you have an HIV test 28 days after finishing the full course of PEP to confirm PEP has worked. So an HIV negative result 36 days after stopping your 6 days of PEP looks like a good result.

  2. Kevy

    Hello Dr,
    At beginning of September I had sex with infected lady (unknowingly) who was taking hiv pills. When we were having sex I used condom but later alone removed it when I was about to cum and it took me just few seconds or max 1 min to cum.
    Immediately the girl told me that she was hiv+ (her viral load tested a month ago was 1500) and she was regularly taking hiv medicines. I immediately rushed to hospital they tested me and found that I was hiv-. I started PEP 16hrs after exposure.
    Three days after on PEP my eyes were yellow and I went back to hospital and they changed one of my pep pills.
    Three days after change to new PEP pills (6 days in total on PEP) my eyes were still very yellow and I was having a general weakness. When I went bback to hospital, my doctor tested the level of bilirubin and found it was high (6). He told me to stop PEP and administered me with LIVOLIN forte.
    Six (6 weeks) after stopping PEP, I was tested and found that I am hiv negative. Currently, I don’t feel any Hiv symptoms.
    My question is: could PEP taken for 6 day have had effect? Could you ensure me that I may be ok. What could you advise me.
    Hope to see your answer soon…
    Thank you

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Vicent,

    Are these side effects things like feeling dizzy, or mood changes and vivid dreams? But are you taking them before bedtime on an empty stomach? Please see Atripla for tips on avoiding efavirenz side effects: Take before bedtime, on an empty stomach (or not with a high fat meal). A high fat meal increases drug levels of efavirenz by 60%. This increases the likelihood of side effects.

    It’s possible that the side effects will ease or go away after the first week. However, if you’re experiencing a serious reaction that includes symptoms such as rash, please see your doctor about it.

  4. Vicent

    Am on pep now three days but am almost dying, no longer working may be due to this outdated generation of drugs (the efavirenz) which is associated with terrible side effects but having no choice because it’s the only one available accessible, someone help me cop with these side effects!

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Afshin,

    The meds that you’re taking aren’t known to cause yellow eyes. Those that may cause issues with yellowing of the eyes are discussed here: http://i-base.info/guides/side/bilirubin-and-jaundice

  6. Afshin

    My pep tablet is emtricitabine / tenofovir and isentress .600mg .
    I just seen in this page complain of yellow eyes
    Is it possible my pep do this side effects ? I’m really worried please reply me soon as possible

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Immy,
    It’s a good idea to have these symtoms checked out by your doctor. If they are side effects you can ask to change to other PEP meds. If your blood pressure is high you should talk to the doctor about treatment for it.

  8. Immy

    Hi am immy I have been on PEP now 2 1/2 weeks at first I could feel dezinence and other effects but now I fill the abdomen full every time have only prone position to rest too can’t lie on my back nor abdomen,ever tired ,mood changes and now worrying bp is in hypotetion what could be the problem

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Josephine,
    An increase in bilirubin is a common side effect of atazanavir. This drug caould be in your PEP. And it can cause yellowing of the eyes. Small increases in bilirubin are not causing any damage to your body. But you could ask the doctor if there is another drug you can change to. However, after your course of PEP this side effect should go away.

  10. Josephine

    its now one week when am taking pep but my eyes are becoming yellow…. What can I do to prevent it


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