Q and A


MY CD4 count is 800 – should I start Atripla?

I just was with diagnosed with HIV 1 year ago. My CD4 count is 800 but viral load is 5000.

My doctor said that she is not worried but wants me to start taking Atripla



Thank-you for your email. I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis, how are you coping?

You CD4 count and viral load test results are both good. It’s up to you, in discussion with your doctor, to decide when the best time is for you to start treatment.

In most countries you wouldn’t be recommended to start treatment until your CD4 count is under 350 or your viral load is over 100,000. But this is different in the USA. In some American states treatment is recommended for anybody with HIV, in other states it’s recommended when your CD4 count is under 500.

I answered a question a few months ago about the reason for these different guidelines. You may find it helpful to read this for information on the pros and cons of starting treatment with a high CD4 count. Why are US and UK treatment guidelines different?

Please let me know if you have any questions after reading this.


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