Q and A


My uncle’s CD4 is 74, will he be OK?

My uncle’s CD4 count is 74 and he is suffering from severe knee injury….how about his life?



Thanks for your email. Is your uncle on any treatment?

A CD4 count of 74 is quite low and it is important that your uncle starts treatment as soon as possible. This is because, while his CD4 count is under 100, he is at risk of developing opportunistic infections like PCP (a type of pneumonia) and TB.

If your uncle does get treatment there is a good chance that he will respond well, and his CD4 count will increase to safer levels. For more information about HIV treatment, please see our Introduction to combination therapy guide.

I’m not sure how your uncle’s knee injury relates to HIV, but as with all symptoms he should speak to his doctor about this.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kevin,

    You’re in an excellent place. Your HIV is under control. This is fantastic news. You should be really pleased and proud of yourself.

  2. Kevin

    Hi I’m Kevin I was diagnosed last year my cd4 count was 73 I currently have a cd4 count of 422 I was just wondering if that is a good place to be since I’m 56yrs old my viral load Is at 30

  3. One

    I have been HIV positive for 28 years. My CD4 was less than 100 when they did the test years ago. There was no viral load test in the early days. I have been undetectable for 9 years currently with a CD4 of 780. I am also a 10 year prostate cancer survivor as of this month/year January 2013.

    I wish your uncle the very best and suspect that he will be OK.

    Take care.

  4. ravi

    Hi thanks for your comment. We are getting
    Hope after seen your comment and live happily..

  5. living postively

    Hi sorry to hear that your uncles CD4 count is 74 , mine was 24 when I pu TB medication 9 years ago , today you can’t even know that I was very sick. Let him just start medication early.


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