Q and A


My CD4 is 500, VL is 1000, is that bad?

My CD4 is 500 and viral load 1000, should I be worried?



Thank-you for your email. Can I ask if you have just been diagnosed with HIV? If you have, how are you coping?

Both of your test results are very good.

A ‘normal’ CD4 count for somebody who is HIV negative is between 400-600. In the UK HIV treatment isn’t recommended until your CD4 count is 350 or below. This is because while your CD4 count is above 350 your immune system is still strong, and you are very unlikely to become ill because of HIV.

Your viral load is quite low, which is good. The viral load isn’t such an important test result unless you are on treatment already.If you are not on treatment then the viral load result is not usually used to make any treatment decisions. The exception would be if your viral load was 100,000 or above, which can be a reason to start treatment.

If you are on treatment the aim is to reach a viral load of less than 50. This is usually achieved within 3-6 months of starting treatment.

For more information about CD4 count and viral load please see our Introduction to combination therapy.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ranjeet,

    A CD4 count of 566 is within the range of normal for someone who is HIV negative. But viral load is not undetectable yet.

    Do you have access to HIV treatment (ART)? Please tell us what meds you are taking, and how long you’ve been taking them.

    Here’s the guide to an Introduction to ART.

  2. Ranjeet

    My cd4 is 566 and viral load is 358 is it good or bad

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Kimberly,

    Congratulations on the news that you’re going to have a baby.

    But please discuss your baby’s treatment with the doctor. You can also ask about your viral load results. Has it been undetectable before? Please let us know, and also tell us what meds you’re taking.

    Your doctor and clinic can give you the best information about how to feed your baby.

    Here’s the guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health.

  4. Kimberly

    Hi, I’m an expecting mother and I got my viral load results recently and it was 160 copies. So I wanted to find out honestly if it’s safe for me to breastfeed or not? Cz I’m due any day now.

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Eunice,

    What does your doctor say about your viral load result? Are you on HIV treatment (ART)? Please let us know. The aim of ART is to get viral load to undetectable. And that’s just 50 copies.

    Please also let us now how long you’ve been HIV positive.

    Here’s an introduction to ART for lots more info.

  6. Eunice

    please if my cd4 is 518 and viral load is 75964 copies is it normal

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Francis,

    When someone has a viral load of less than 50cp/ml this means that their HIV is under control. It also means that you can’t transmit HIV when having sex without a condom.

  8. francis

    Hello, my name is francis. My VL result just came in and it reads <20 cp/ml . I want to know what this result means; I should add that i wasnt tested untill after 6months and i have no idea of my cd4 count.


  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Toshi,

    It looks like your ARVs are working well. But please ask for your viral load results. It would be good to konw the results.

    The aim of taking ARVs is to get your viral load to less than 50 copies/mL. This means HIV is undetectable and gives your CD4 count the chance to recover and increase.

    Having a high CD4 count like yours shows your immune system is healthy.

  10. Toshi

    Hi, I’m started taking ARV last October 2018 my CD4 Baseline was 795+, today I just got my CD4 checked and it increased to 1125. Is it possible that when your CD4 is increasing, your VL could also be increasing?

    P.S I think they forgot to check my VL, or they have checked but forgot to tell me about it. Enlighten me please?


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